The Baptistery of S. Giovanni was the core of the spiritual life from the beginning and it is still today a monument identity for the fiorentine citizens. Read more
Pay attention to the East Door, which Michelangelo called the Gates of Paradise, Renaissance masterpiece of Ghiberti and his assistants (the original is moved to Museum)
It was built atop an earlier 6th-century building; beneath its foundations lies a 1st-century A.D. Roman palace, believed instead by the Florentines to be an ancient Roman temple dedicated to Mars.
I mean it's a lovely church but after climbing the cupola it's a bit anticlimactic. Then again, everything else would be! Perhaps see this before entering the cathedral?
There is a risen step of 10cm at the entrance and also a 5cm step down to the ramp. The exit is the same as the entrance. In front of the Baptistery there are toilets for people on wheelchair Read more
Visitors to Florence often skip a visit inside the building - wrong! It is wonderful: the mosaics on the ceiling, begun in the early 1200’s, are stunning. Dante refers to it as 'il mio bel San Giovann
Ghiberti’s bronze panels for the east doors added a whole new dimension to art—depth. Michelangelo said these doors were fit to be the “Gates of Paradise.”
It is one of the oldest buildings in Florenzia. The mosaicmarble inlays on the floors and the ceilings are a site to behold. A majority of the Medici family were baptized here.
The mosaics on the ceiling, begun in the early 1200’s, are stunning. Stories from the old testament from creation through to the story of Christ are delightful and the Last Judgement representation is
The baptistery is situated over the remains of a wealthy Roman house during the time of the Latin city Florentia in Antiquity & mosaics from the floors are still visible through a grate on the floor o
3 bronze doors access this octagonal baptistery. Look closely at the frames - can you spot accurate bronze insects including locusts and flies? More Tuscan baptisteries:
Es la pila bautismal en frente de la iglesia Santa María di Fiori. La puerta tienen unas de las primeras obras de arte del renacimiento( representan pasajes bíblicos del antiguo testamento)
Una pieza arquitectónica bellísima, internamente se encuentra adornada con mosaicos bizantinos y cuenta con una de las puertas más hermosas que pueda tener una iglesia, es pequeña pero espectacular.
Le 2 colonne in porfido rosso ai lati della Porta del Paradiso sono un regalo che Pisa recapitò a Firenze, ma con dietro... un inganno! Segui il link e scopri la leggenda e la beffa :) Read more
Gli splendidi mosaici della cupola e della volta dell’abside del Battistero misurano in tutto 1.000 mq e ci sono voluti circa 100 anni di lavoro per realizzarli.
圣母百花大教堂正对面的是它的附属建筑——洗礼堂(Battistero di San Giovanni),这个八角形的建筑最著名的是它的金门,虽说是金 门,但实际是黄铜材质,历经600多年依然栩栩如生,米开朗基罗 称赞它为“天堂之门”。金门上有十幅浮雕均是以圣经故事。为了 保护文物,管理部门把原件藏于大教堂内,现在人们在洗礼堂看到 的这个是1:1的复制品。
Accesso, con biglietto, fino a 30 minuti prima della chiusura; si entra dalla Porta Nord. Per la festa di San Giovanni Battista (24 giugno) l’ingresso è gratuito. Clicca sul link per vedere gli orari Read more
E' del XI-XII secolo, è rivestito da lastre di marmobianco e verde con 3 porte in bronzo di Andrea Pisano e Lorenzo Ghiberti. All'interno è decorato da mosaici sulla cupola e la volta della tribuna. Read more
Yapının en dikkat çeken yanı ise son derece etkileyici olan bronz kapılarıdır. Burası bir vaftizhanedir. kullanılan mozaiklerişehirde yer alan tek orta çağ mozaikleridir.
L’interno è rivestito di marmibianchi e verdi come l’esterno; la cupola, che risale al XII secolo, è uno splendore di mosaici veneziani: vi han messo mano altri artisti fiorentini, fors’anche Cimabue
Il Battistero dedicato a San Giovanni Battista, patrono della città di Firenze, sorge di fronte al duomo di Santa Maria del Fiore, in piazza San Giovanni.