Half the size of a regulation court, the play gets physical & intense. This little patch of pavement has produced legends. You gotta take in a game there at least once in your life.
If you want to see grit-and-grind street ball, take a peek through the fence at The Cage. The court’s barely half regulation size, but basketball legends such as Dr. J have called it home in the past.
This little patch of pavement (2,569 square feet) has produced legends. It’s called ‘The Cage’ because it’s so tiny spectators crowd behind a chain-link fence to watch the best streetball there is. Read more
Make NYC Your Gym with your friends by challenging them to a pick-up basketball game at the West 4th St. Courts. Making NYC Your Gym with others is not only good exercise but tons of fun!
Catch a good gritty bball game in the heart of the West Village. If you're lucky, you can witness an NBA player playing during the off season or see young rising NYC stars sweat it out.
Best court w/views in the city. Bring a drink, or walk about 5-10 minutes north for a vending machine or the occasional street vendor with Gatorades. Bathrooms at least 10-15 minute walk north.
The basketball here is more fun to watch than the in the pros. Small court w no sides to speak of makes for fast physical play, and there's lots of outer borough 'tude on display.
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