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OEX La Jolla

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La Jolla
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  • Travel Friend
    Travel FriendJuin 28, 2012
    Ben is an excellent tour guide 4 the snorkeling and kayaking. If u have ever been snorkeling in the tropics, La Jolla is sub-par. Kayaking is super fun. Bring ur own wet suit, they are gross!
  • Jennifer D.
    Jennifer DoorenbosAoût 2, 2013
    Great snorkel trip! Jenna and Katie were awesome guides! They helped us spot leopard sharks. Thanks for a memorable day!
  • Lauren
    LaurenMai 3, 2013
    Take a kayak tour with Missy and Justin, they're awesome!!!
  • Cristina G.
    People were awesome. Wet suits pretty stinky...
Photos3 Photos