Pierwsza mobilność kadry za nami
Za nami pierwsza mobilność kadry dorosłych. W szkoleniu "Practising Coaching" zorganizowanym przez Olde Vechte Foundation, w dniach 01-07.11.2019 w Holandii wzięły udział: Marlena i Tetyana."Practising Coaching" to 7-dniowy kurs prowadzony na zasadzie wielkiej sesji coachingowej. Poprzez bezpośrednie zaangażowanie uczestników kładzie nacisk na naukę metodologii coachingu.
Poniżej relacja jednej z uczestniczek mobilności:
The learning objective of this training had managed to remind me the thoughts shape of our reality, into words . We have learned that something exists only if you can perceive it that way.
Theory puts events in a row, which make things comprehensible it creates insight into the meaning and significance of acts, behaviour, without theory. This model is based on two ideas- trust can be acquired by revealing information about you to others and learning yourselves from their feedbacks.The methods are various :
Verbal Coaching
● Lazy coach
● Backtracking
● Reflection on feelings
● Summarizing and paraphrasingUseful coaching questions in this step include the following:
What is happening now (what, who, when, and how often)? What is the effect or result of this?The Johari window
The ‘Johari’ window model is a convenient method used to achieve this task of understanding and enhancing communication between the members in a group.
The model works using four area quadrants. Anything you know about yourself and are willing to share is part of your open area. Individuals can build trust between themselves by disclosing information to others and learning about others from the information they in turn disclose about themselves.
It helps people to explore the qualities that make them who they are.
Embodiment Therapy is a highly structured system that enables you to see and understand yourself and your capabilities. From an empowered vantage point you can create a life experience that is more aligned with your desires. Emphasizes the integration of mind and body.
● Dance and movement therapies
● Focusing
● DrawingProgram consisted on working in groups but you would never coach anyone of your own group, the evaluation group was called GPS group . We touched base after every activity.
A lot of meeting took place in open space , we had time to reflect , share and debate other opinions.