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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Fix a console that underperformed

LegitHyperbole said:

@Sogreblute said pretty much all there is. Simply changing the name to wii 2 would have done so much to avoid confusion.

Yet some of the same people who say that want the next Switch to be called Super Switch. Like that wouldnt be confusing as hell for the more casual gamers...

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The rear touch on the Vita was revolutionary!! Not even todays smartphones have it!! Little Deviants was a smash hit that showed perfectly what the system could do.

Little Deviants showed perfectly what the system could do, but it wasn't a very good game. They should have added it for free as a tech demo game.

Similar to "The Playroom" (PS4), "The Playroom VR" (PSVR1), "Astro's Playroom" (PS5) and "Wii Sports" / "Wii Play" (Wii).

KLXVER said:
LegitHyperbole said:

@Sogreblute said pretty much all there is. Simply changing the name to wii 2 would have done so much to avoid confusion.

Yet some of the same people who say that want the next Switch to be called Super Switch. Like that wouldnt be confusing as hell for the more casual gamers...

No, it has to be Switch 2. Say what you want about Playstations boring naming scheme and some numbers work better than others, like PS6 does not sound as good as ps5... it works. No confusion, everyone and their grandmother's understand what's going on and that it's a New playstation. Xbox, now, I'm a hardcore gamer and I have trouble with the names, often mixing them up. Super Switch my ass, that'd be abbreviated as SS and would get mixed up with Xbox which is Series S, or SS and that just...  ugh.... no. 

Pemalite said:

Xbox One didn't have split memory. It was 8GB DDR3 on a 256bit bus.

It also had that 32MB of faster eSRAM which was intended to act as a fast cache and make up for the slower main memory bus. Which developers promptly stopped using as soon as the One X (which didn't include it and just kicked everything out to its faster main memory) arrived on the scene, explaining why the quality of One (S) ports of third-party games dropped off a cliff from around 2018 onwards.

- Change the name to an entirely diferent thing, not Wii related.
- Give it blue ray support, this alone will increase significantly the third party support, which is much needed. The console will cost more, but its a necessity.
- Zelda game at launch. Non debatable.
- Pokemon game at launch. Non debatable.

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change the name of Nintendo 64 to Nintendo Ultra. Change Mario 64 to Ultra Mario World. Change Nintendo GameCube to Nintendo GameBox.

trunkswd said:
G2ThaUNiT said:

Immediate one that comes to mind is the Xbox One. Console was “dead” before it even launched. Keep the Kinect 2.0 as an optional accessory but get rid of the Kinect requirement to bring the price down to $399 at launch, the entire showcase presentation of the console be focused exclusively on games rather than it being entirely about being a multimedia device, drop the online DRM that limited game sharing/resale, give it a proper console associated name rather than “One”

I also wouldn’t allow for Sony to get CoD marketing that gen, keep a closer on eye on 343 and don’t let the disaster that was Halo MCC happen along with Halo 5 pretty much ruining your biggest IP. And after Insomniac finished Sunset Overdrive, accept the Marvel Spider-Man deal and partner with Insomniac again to make it exclusively.

Would it have saved the Xbox One from being demolished? Probably not as there would still be a major first party issue throughout most of the gen outside of that first year, but that would’ve gotten at least an extra 10-15 million units in console marketshare, if not more just by having a completely positive pre-launch announcement.

I would add launching it a year earlier with Halo 4 as a cross gen launch title. So it would have a year headstart over the PS4 like the Xbox 360 did with the PS3. 

Absolutely! Or even make it next-gen exclusive to really drive home launch sales. While a divisive title, there was no denying how graphically insane Halo 4 looks on the 360. Can't imagine how it would've looked if it was made only for Xbox One hardware rather than for a last-gen console that was already well on its way out.

What a turnaround the Xbone could've had lol. I know so many that immediately declared they were getting a PS4 after the Xbox One showcase lmao. I can't imagine what a proper successor to the 360 while also launching a year earlier like the 360 would've accomplished.

I would also throw in something that happened several years earlier but had lasting effects. Not shutting down Ensemble Studios in 2009. They were deep in development on the Halo MMO, were about to move into a new state of the art headquarters, were forecasting incredibly high numbers since Halo was still one of the biggest IPs in gaming at the time. That MMO could've been highly lucrative on the Xbox One. What a missed opportunity.

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

Conina said:

And give the Xbox 360 two or three years headstart instead of one year? Two years of "HD exclusivity" would have cemented the Xbox hardware base and hurt Sony for many years.

The Xbox 360 shipped less than 3.5 million units during the first three quarters of 2007. It was hardly setting the world on fire before Halo 3 and CoD4; if anything, it looked like it was losing steam ever since its launch.

To think it would have gone the way of the Dreamcast was a perfectly reasonable conclusion by then, especially if Sony comes about with newer and faster hardware, media, and far smaller losses from the more mature Blu-ray tech.






Postpone the Saturn launch by a year, let retailers and developers in on it as soon as possible and drop it's price by a hundred dollars. Give the N64 a CD drive. Give the Gamecube a standard controller, something like the Switch Pro controller, and a full-sized DVD drive. Drop PS3 launch price to $399.99 and put more resources into PSN until it has parity with Xbox Live. Call the Xbox One Xbox 4, retain Bungie and have it launch in the state Phil had it in during the last few years of its life (No TV; used games are welcome here) and with Bungie's Halo 5.

N64 is probably the easiest one since it was actually popular even with mistakes made.

Give it a CD-ROM drive and a cheapo 4MB RAM "loading pool" (to mitigate load times), launch at $249.99 instead (this was supposed to be the original price anyway), and drop to $199.99 in 1997 (they cut to $149.99 by March 1997 in a rush anyway ... it's like you might as well just have added the damn CD drive then anyway). 

Have a meeting with Squaresoft circa 1995/1996 to say "hey look, if you want to put FF7 on Playstation, fine, but at least give us a port, we've compromised and we have a CD format too and will have games from everyone else now including Dragon Quest 7, you're just going to lose a lot of money by ignoring us, we'll even give you a stack of money too and we'll pay for the port".

System launches in summer/fall 1996 with Super Mario 64, Resident Evil 1 port, Street Fighter Alpha 2, Pilotwings 64, Madden NFL '97, NHL '97, and a port of Tekken 2 soon after. Castlevania: SOTN in the early months of the system too. See how that immediately looks much better? Games are also much cheaper now that they're on the disc format.

Oh and I'd also buy the rights to the James Bond movie license prior to GoldenEye 007's release either indefinitely or for a further 10 years.