On October 4th, 2023, The Spirit of Georgetown will be hosted in the newly renovated Monument Room at King & Spalding LLP to increase awareness about homelessness in Washington, DC, and to build support for Georgetown Ministry Center’s Drop-In Center serving chronically homeless individuals. Amanda Klingler & Ron Catsaldi are co-chairing this year’s event. This event will be the perfect kick-off to the fall social season.
The Spirit of Georgetown 2023 will honor longtime GMC employee, Delores Jackson. Fondly known as the “Mother of GMC,“ Delores is a remarkable program coordinator, who has dedicated an astounding 34 years to GMC’s mission, embodying the essence of unwavering commitment to her community. Her continued service has undoubtedly changed the lives of thousands of GMC’s guests, offering hope, compassion, and support when it matters most

Georgetown Ministry Center guides service-resistant, chronically homeless individuals towards stability through the provision of a safe and welcoming environment where everyone is treated with respect, street outreach, and advocacy for the homeless. We seek lasting solutions to homelessness one person at a time.
Event Link: https://georgetownministrycenter.salsalabs.org/spiritofgeorgetown2023/index.html
Benefit Committee Levels:
Archangel $10,000+
Guardian Angel $5,000
Spirit Angel $2,500
Saint $1,000
Host $500
Cherub (Young Professionals) $250
All Benefit Committee donations come with two Spirit of Georgetown Gala tickets. Individual tickets can be purchased with a $215 donation.
*Please donate by July 31 to be included on the official print invitation.