The Web Intermittent Issue Detector is a tool designed to detect intermittent issues, aiming to assist users in automatically discovering and debugging those problems that occur infrequently and are difficult to reproduce. In many cases, users may encounter intermittent web issues that occur only once a day or even every few days. Typically, users have no means to actively identify and reproduce such issues, and developers find themselves equally powerless, as they can only react to problems occasionally bothering users, feeling frustrated and helpless. With this tool, users and developers no longer need to rely on luck to manually detect these issues; the entire process of discovery and debugging can be automated.
Download and install the tool:
Open the tool and configure parameters, including the page URL and refresh frequency. For example, in the image below, we set the tool to refresh the page "" every 60 seconds. If the page content contains the phrase "Learn more about your Communication site" the tool will log a successful page load; otherwise, it will log a failed page load, it also records the duration of how long the page load takes:
Enhancing issue analysis with additional tools:
- HAR or Fiddler:
- Press
to open the developer tools inside this detector and capture a HAR network trace. - Alternatively, use Fiddler, and setting Fiddler filters.
- Press
- Wireshark or Network Monitoring:
- Consider using Wireshark to capture network traffic
- Alternatively, you can collect network traces using Network Monitor.
- HAR or Fiddler:
打开工具并配置参数,包括页面URL、刷新频率等。例如,在下图中,我们设置了每隔60秒刷新一次页面"", 如果刷出来的页面的内容中出现了"Learn more about your Communication site"的字样, 那么工具将会记录一条成功加载页面的日志;反之,将记录一条加载页面失败的日志,在日志中还会记载页面加载的时间:
- HAR or Fiddler:
- 您可以按
键打开检测器的的开发者工具捕获HAR网络追踪。 - 或者使用Fiddler捕获日志,设置Fiddler过滤器。
- 您可以按
- 网络监控:
- 您可以使用Wireshark来捕获网络流量。
- 或者,您可以使用Network Monitor收集网络追踪数据。
- HAR or Fiddler: