author | ms.service | ms.topic | | | ms.custom |
barclayn |
entra-id |
include |
05/10/2024 |
barclayn |
Identity-Managed-Definition |
Sign in to the Azure portal.
From the Azure portal menu, select Microsoft Entra ID.
Navigate to Identity > Overview > Manage tenants.
Select Create.
:::image type="content" source="media/create-new-tenant/portal.png" alt-text="Screenshot of Microsoft Entra ID - Overview page - Create a tenant.":::
On the Basics tab, select the type of tenant you want to create, either Microsoft Entra ID or Microsoft Entra ID (B2C).
Select Next: Configuration to move to the Configuration tab.
On the Configuration tab, enter the following information:
:::image type="content" source="media/create-new-tenant/create-new-tenant.png" alt-text="Screenshot of Microsoft Entra ID - Create a tenant page - configuration tab.":::
- Type your desired Organization name (for example Contoso Organization) into the Organization name box.
- Type your desired Initial domain name (for example Contosoorg) into the Initial domain name box.
- Select your desired Country/Region or leave the United States option in the Country or region box.
Select Next: Review + Create. Review the information you entered and if the information is correct, select Create in the lower left corner.
Your new tenant is created with the domain