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Solution Overview

Abhijeet Bodhankar edited this page Feb 5, 2020 · 3 revisions

BOT Commands

The follwoing commands are supported:

Bot Command Bot Response
Book room Presents list of favorite rooms which can be booked for a meeting
Manage favorites Responds with an adaptive card with action button to invoke the task module for managing user favorites
Help Presents a list of commands that the bot supports

Bot Components

Bot app

The bot is built using the Bot Framework SDK v4 for .NET and ASP.NET Core 2.1 . The bot has a conversational interface with personal scope. The app majorly performs below actions -

  • Provides user sign in flow using bot service Azure Active Directory v2 connection settings to get favorite rooms based on user ID and check availability and book room using Microsoft Graph APIs.
  • Create meeting with user selections.

Task module UI component

Features such as manage user favorites and book other rooms (non-favorite) are implemented using ReactJs and .Net Core 2.1. A task module in Microsoft Teams uses Microsoft Teams Javascript SDK to get current Teams context.

Function app

Recurring operation of room sync from Microsoft Exchange to Azure table storage created using .Net Core 2.1. It follows following steps for sync:

  1. Get list of buildings from Microsoft Graph API.
  2. Create batch of 10 buildings. (Useful for parallel execution)
  3. For every building in batch:
    • Get records from table storage matching building email ID.
    • Get rooms from Microsoft Graph API associated with building email ID.
    • Delete existing records from table storage matching building email ID.
    • Add records fetched from Microsoft Graph API to table storage.
    • Find out deleted rooms from exchange and remove them from user favorites.

Azure bot service

Azure bot service is developed using Microsoft Bot Framework .Net SDK v4.

  • Azure Active Directory v2 service provider is used for authentication and registered in OAuth connection string settings in bot registration portal.
  • Meetings web app endpoint is registered as messaging end point in bot registration portal.
  • The bot follows the waterfall dialog concept to combine sequential steps and allow passing state to next steps. The MainDialog component dialog have below steps –
    • PromptStepAsync
    • CommandStepAsync
    • ProcessStepAsync
  • Each step checks user token using WaterfallStepContext and OAuth card is provided in case of no token found by following the sequence starting from PromptStepAsync.
  • Logout interruption is handled in LogoutDialog (base class of MainDialog) and can be extended to handle other interruptions. In case of any other interruption, user will be provided with the message to complete the current process.


In order to allow application to support various data sources, all methods are implemented by using below interfaces. All dependencies are registered in Startup file -

  1. IMeetingProvider: provides methods to process meeting location information.
  2. ISearchService: provides methods to perform room and building search operations.
  3. IActivityStorageProvider: provides methods to process CRUD operations on ActivityEntities table.
  4. IFavoriteStorageProvider: provides methods to process CRUD operations on FavoriteRooms table.
  5. IRoomCollectionStorageProvider: provides methods to process CRUD operations on RoomCollection table.
  6. IUserConfigurationStorageProvider: provides methods to process CRUD operations on UserConfiguration table.
  7. IUserConfigurationProvider: provides method to get user specific details from Microsoft Graph.

Azure table storage

Azure table storage saves buildings and rooms information along with favorite rooms of users.

Microsoft Graph APIs

Application performs rooms and buildings data sync operation from Microsoft Exchange to table storage which requires application level permission and requires tenant admin to provide consent.

Use Case API Delegated Permission Application Permission
Get schedules for rooms Calendars.ReadWrite NA
Create event Calendars.ReadWrite NA
Cancel event{id}/cancel Calendars.ReadWrite NA
List places (buildings) NA Place.Read.All
List places (rooms){BuildingAlias}/microsoft.graph.roomlist/rooms NA Place.Read.All