This repository contains some LUA script which can be run from ShowCockpit to interact with Onyx.
- Onyx-Auto-Presets.lua - This script allows to create a bunch of presets in a second. It can also populate some of them based on a group of selection
- Onyx-Delete-Cuelists.lua - This script allows to delete a range of cuelist (batch mode)
- Onyx-Delete-Presets.lua - This script allows to delete a range of presets (batch mode)
- Onyx-Update-CueFade-CuelistRelease.lua - This script allows to update the cues fade times in the meantime of the cuelist release time
- Onyx-Create-Playbacks-from-Presets.lua - This script allows to create playback(s) cuelist from preset(s)
- Onyx-Rename-Cuelists.lua - This script allows to rename cuelist(s) massively (replace a searched value by another value)
- Onyx-Pan-Preset-Offset.lua - This script allows to apply a pan offset on a range of presets (batch mode)
Inside the header.lua script which is include in all scripts, you have access to some functions. Theses last are detailed below if you want to create your own script based on it.
This function will log the in ShowCockpit the Script Name and the Script Version
Arguments: string sentence
This function will log the in ShowCockpit sentence argument and display the author informations and display a pop-up to user (for script ends)
Arguments: string text
This function will register all the text argument. It can be restitute later by calling the GetActivity() function
This function will compile all text sent through the LogActivity(text) function. Each text will have a chariot return as suffix.
Arguments: JSON Infos {Question: string, Description: string, Buttons: JSON {string Button1, string Button2, string Button3}, DefaultButton : string, DropDown : JSON {string Value 1, string Value 2, ...}, DropDownDefault: string}
Dependency: Input(), ShowInput()
This function will display the CreatePrompt of type "DropDown" to the user and will return the user choice value
Arguments: JSON Infos {Question: string, Description: string, Buttons: JSON {string Button1, string Button2, string Button3}, DefaultButton : string, DropDown : JSON {string Value 1, string Value 2, ...}, DropDownDefault: string}
Dependency: Input(), ShowInput()
This function will display the CreatePrompt of with only buttons to the user and will return the user button click value
Arguments: JSON Infos {Question: string, Description: string, Buttons: JSON {string Button1, string Button2, string Button3}, DefaultButton : string, DropDown : JSON {string Value 1, string Value 2, ...}, DropDownDefault: string}
Dependency: Input(), ShowInput()
This function will display the CreatePrompt of type "TextInput" to the user and will return the user value
Arguments: JSON Infos {Question: string, Description: string, Buttons: JSON {string Button1, string Button2, string Button3}, DefaultButton : string, DropDown : JSON {string Value 1, string Value 2, ...}, DropDownDefault: string}
Dependency: Input(), ShowInput()
This function will display the CreatePrompt of type "IntegerInput" to the user and will return the user value
Arguments: JSON Infos {Question: string, Description: string, Buttons: JSON {string Button1, string Button2, string Button3}, DefaultButton : string, DropDown : JSON {string Value 1, string Value 2, ...}, DropDownDefault: string}
Dependency: Input(), ShowInput()
This function will display the CreatePrompt of type "FloatInput" to the user and will return the user value
Input(Infos, Type=false)
Arguments: JSON Infos {Question: string, Description: string, Buttons: JSON {string Button1, string Button2, string Button3}, DefaultButton : string}, string Type [IntegerInput|FloatInput|TextInput|DropDown]
This function will return the ShowCockpit CreatePrompt() object
ShowInput(Prompt, Infos)
Arguments: object CreatePrompt, JSON Infos {Cancel: boolean}
Dependency: CheckInput()
This function will display the CreatePrompt to the user and will return the user answer (CheckInput() function output)
CheckInput(Infos, Answer)
Arguments: JSON Infos {Cancel: boolean}, array Answer
This function will return, following the Infos.Cancel value, the user answer. If Infos.Cancel is true, and the user answer is empty or button cancel, the return will be a NIL value. Else, the answer will be the button content or the input value
ListPreset(PresetType, PresetIDStart, PresetIDEnd)
Arguments: string PresetType [Intensity|PanTilt|Color|Gobo|Beam|BeamFX|Framing], int PresetIDStart, int PresetIDEnd
Dependency: GetPresetName()
This function will return an array of JSON object {id,name} with all Presets name of PresetType from ID PresetIDStart to ID PresetIDEnd
ListCuelist(CuelistIDStart, CuelistIDEnd)
Arguments: int CuelistIDStart, int CuelistIDEnd
This function will return an array of JSON object {id,name} with all Cuelist name from ID CuelistIDStart to ID CuelistIDEnd
ListGroup(GroupIDStart, GroupIDEnd)
Arguments: int GroupIDStart, int GroupIDEnd
This function will return an array of JSON object {id,name} with all Group name from ID GroupIDStart to ID GroupIDEnd
DeletePreset(PresetType, PresetID)
Arguments: string PresetType [Intensity|PanTilt|Color|Gobo|Beam|BeamFX|Framing], int PresetID
This function will delete the Preset of PresetType with ID PresetID
GetPresetName(PresetType, PresetID)
Arguments: string PresetType [Intensity|PanTilt|Color|Gobo|Beam|BeamFX|Framing], int PresetID
Dependency: CheckEmpty()
This function will return the Preset name of PresetType with ID PresetID. If there is no Preset, it will return "--"
GetPresetAppearance(PresetType, PresetID)
Arguments: string PresetType [Intensity|PanTilt|Color|Gobo|Beam|BeamFX|Framing], int PresetID
Dependency: CheckEmpty()
This function will return the Preset apperance of PresetType with ID PresetID. If there is no Preset apperance, it will return the DefaultPresetAppearance of PresetType
Arguments: int CuelistID
Dependency: KeyNumber()
This function will record a new cuelist (of the latest recorded cuelist type) with ID CuelistID
RecordPreset(PresetType, Preset, Merging)
Arguments: string PresetType [Intensity|PanTilt|Color|Gobo|Beam|BeamFX|Framing], JSON Preset {Position: int, Name: string}, boolean Merging
This function will create a preset of the provided PresetType at Preset.Position named Preset.Name. You can merge the preset creation by setting Merging to true, false will overwrite
Arguments: int number
This function will type with the Onyx Keyboard the Number pass as argument
CopyCue(CuelistIDSource, CueID, CuelistIDTarget)
Arguments: int CuelistIDSource, int CueID, int CuelistIDTarget
Dependency: KeyNumber()
This function will copy an existing Cue CueID from an existing Cuelist CuelistIDSource to another existing Cuelist CuelistIDTarget