I am one of those mysterious people that mostly create closed source, so you won't find many public repositories 😀
Blog: https://medium.com/@casperrubaek
Property rental search platform that scrapes and monitors the web continuously for new property listings. Use case analysis and validation, planning, architecture design, and implementation. Integration with Stripe API.
On-demand web scraping in Azure to gather real-time domain prices. Bypassing Cloudflare bot protection with proxies.
Designed a solution for advanced software job scheduling scenarios since Azure does not natively provide a service with that capability. Services involved: Azure API Management, Azure Functions, Azure Blob storage, Azure SQL Database, Azure Service bus, Azure Event Grid.
Rest Api client which fetches data from Energinet Open Rest Api
Client which fetches data and writes it to a MySQL database for visualization as graphs in Grafana. Application is written in C#.
Communication with people via facebook page via a chatbot that runs in ASP .Net core Web Api through ngrok reverse tunnel which receives webhook from facebook messenger. Sending messages via facebook messenger send API.
Application is written in C#.
And many more projects.
- My site Cloudcostify.app is the first solution for Pulumi cost estimation and is on page 1 on Google for the keyword "pulumi cost estimation"
- I run my own software solutions in Azure
- I advocate for true serverless services in Azure and local emulator for Service Bus: Azure/azure-service-bus#223 (comment)
- I have posted more than 20 posts on the Azure Q/A forum and Azure feedback forum
- I don't drink ☕ contrary to most IT professionals
- I love listening to music and the intricate details of a Hi-Fi music system setup
- I love speed and adrenaline fueled activites
- I am committed to personal self development in all aspects and I value quality
- I am curious about almost anything and constantly try to expand my perspective by questioning the inner workings of systems to find innovative solutions for non-trivial problems
- I have the mindset that everything is possible initially, no matter how complicated, unrealistic, grand or vague if adequate resources, vision, purpose and motivation are available
- I have the Turbulent INTJ (Architect) personality type in the Myers Briggs 16 personalities method
- Azure
- C#
- K6 load testing
- Kubernetes KEDA
- Kubernetes
- Pulumi
- Postman
- Rest API
- Webscraping and Apify Crawlee
- Enterprise networking
- And much more
- Energinet Datahub
- Energinet Eloverblik
- Stripe
- Many others - many more than possible to list here
- Azure software architecture
- Webscraping (Use my preferred platform for webscraping: https://www.apify.com?fpr=ykfd0 )
- Integration
- Automation
- Security
- Network
- Stocks investing
- Personal finance budgetting and forecasting (Use my preferred tool for financial forecasting: Projection Lab)
- Risk Management
- Business Development
- Forecasting
- Project Planning
- Personal Development
- Process Automation
- Commercial development skills
- Sales
- Marketing
- Frontend development and graphics design
- Legals
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/casper-rubaek/
- Github