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README for Apache Fortress Rest

  • Version 2.0.3
  • Apache Fortress Rest System Architecture Diagram Apache Fortress Rest System Architecture

Table of Contents

  • Document Overview
  • Tips for first-time users.
  • SECTION 1. Prerequisites.
  • SECTION 2. Download & Install.
  • SECTION 3. Prepare Tomcat for Java EE Security
  • SECTION 4. Prepare directory-fortress-rest package to use LDAP server
  • SECTION 5. Build and deploy directory-fortress-rest
  • SECTION 6. Unit Test.
  • SECTION 7. Integration Test with Fortress Core
  • SECTION 8. Fortress rest properties

Document Overview

This document contains instructions to download, build, and test operations using Apache Fortress Rest component.

Tips for first-time users

SECTION 1. Prerequisites

Minimum hardware requirements:

  • 1 Core
  • 1GB RAM

Minimum software requirements:

Everything else covered in steps that follow. Tested on Debian, Centos systems.

SECTION 2. Download & Install

1. Build the source.

a. from git:

git clone --branch 2.0.3
cd directory-fortress-enmasse
mvn clean install

b. or download package:

cd fortress-rest-2.0.3
mvn clean install

2. Now build the javadoc:

mvn javadoc:javadoc

3. View the generated document here: ./target/site/apidocs/overview-summary.html.

SECTION 3. Prepare Tomcat for Java EE Security

This web app uses Java EE security.

1. Download the fortress realm proxy jar into tomcat/lib folder:

wget -P $TOMCAT_HOME/lib
  • Where $TOMCAT_HOME points to the execution env.

Note: The realm proxy enables Tomcat container-managed security functions to call back to fortress.

2. Optional - Prepare tomcat to allow autodeploy of rbac-abac-sample web app:

sudo vi /usr/local/tomcat8/conf/tomcat-users.xml

3. Optional - Add tomcat user to deploy rbac-abac-sample:

<role rolename="manager-script"/>
<user username="tcmanager" password="m@nager123" roles="manager-script"/>

4. Restart tomcat for new settings to take effect.

SECTION 4. Prepare directory-fortress-rest package to use LDAP server

1. Copy the example:

cp src/main/resources/ src/main/resources/

2. Edit the file:

vi src/main/resources/

Pick either Apache Directory or OpenLDAP server:

a. Prepare fortress for ApacheDS usage:

# This param tells fortress what type of ldap server in use:

# Use value from [Set Hostname Entry]:

# ApacheDS defaults to this:

# These credentials are used for read/write access to all nodes under suffix:

-- Or --

b. Prepare fortress for OpenLDAP usage:

# This param tells fortress what type of ldap server in use:

# Use value from [Set Hostname Entry]:

# OpenLDAP defaults to this:

# These credentials are used for read/write access to all nodes under suffix:

SECTION 5. Build and deploy directory-fortress-rest

1. Verify the java and maven home env variables are set.

mvn -version

This sample requires Java 8 and Maven 3 to be setup within the execution env.

2. Optional, load a sample security policy for ARBAC.

mvn install -Dload.file=src/main/resources/FortressRestArbacSamplePolicy.xml

3. Deploy to Tomcat:

a. If using autodeploy feature, verify the Tomcat auto-deploy options are set correctly in the pom.xml file:


b. Now, automatically deploy to tomcat server:

mvn clean tomcat:deploy

c. To automatically redeploy sample app:

mvn clean tomcat:redeploy

d. To manually deploy app to Tomcat:

cp target/fortress-rest-[version].war $TOMCAT_HOME/webapps
  • Where $TOMCAT_HOME points to the execution env.

SECTION 6. Unit Test

Run unit test:

mvn test -Dtest=EmTest

Test Notes:

  • The Fortress Rest application must be deployed and running within your servlet container before the unit tests will complete successfully. If your app server is running on a separate machine, or using port other than 8080, adjust the settings accordingly in src/main/test/java/org/apache/directory/fortress/rest/
  • For learning and troubleshooting, it is recommended that you use an HTTP proxy program, like Axis' tpMon to intercept the HTTP/XML request/responses between Fortress rest client and server.
  • The tests depend on sample security policy being loaded.

SECTION 7. Integration Test with Fortress Core

These tests will use the Apache Fortress Core test programs to drive the Apache Fortress Rest services. It works via fortress core's inherent ability to call itself over REST, useful for testing and hopping over firewalls.

(Fortress Core)<---HTTP--->(Fortress REST)<---in-process API call--->(Fortress Core)<---LDAPv3--->(Directory Server)

See SECTION 1. Prerequisites of this document for more info on how to prepare a test env.

  1. Point your Apache Fortress Core test env to Apache Fortress REST runtime.
  • Add these properties to or file:

# This user account is added automatically during deployment of fortress-rest via -Dload.file=./src/main/resources/FortressRestServerPolicy.xml:

  1. Next, from FORTRESS_CORE_HOME enter the following command:
mvn install
  • This will update the with the settings in the build and slapd.prooperties.
  1. Now run the integration tests:
mvn -Dtest=FortressJUnitTest test
  • If everything was setup correctly the Apache Fortress Core tests will drive the tests via Apache Fortress Rest calls.
  1. Next, from FORTRESS_CORE_HOME enter the following command:
mvn test -Pconsole
  • Console operations will now run through Apache Fortress Rest.

SECTION 8. Fortress Rest properties

This section describes the properties needed to control fortress rest.

1. LDAP Hostname coordinates.

The host name can be specified as a fully qualified domain name or IP address:

# Host name and port of LDAP DIT:

2. LDAP Server type. Each LDAP server impl

# If ApacheDS server:
# Else if OpenLDAP server:
# Else leave blank:
  • note: has different behavior on operations like password policies and audit. If using a 3rd type of server that isn't formally supported, leave blank or type is other.

3. Set the credentials of service account.

This service account must have read/write privileges over the entire Fortress LDAP Directory Information Tree (DIT):

# If ApacheDS it will look something like this:
# Else If OpenLDAP it will look something like this:

4. Define the number of LDAP connections to use in the pool

# This is min/max settings for LDAP connections.  For testing and low-volume instances this will work:

Notes on connection pools:

  • This setting will be proportional to the number of concurrent users but won't be one-to-one.
  • The number of required ldap connections will be much lower than concurrent users.

5. Give coordinates to the Config node that contains all of the other Fortress properties.

This will match your LDAP's server's config node per Fortress Core setup:

# This node contains fortress properties stored on behalf of connecting LDAP clients:

6. If using LDAPS.

# Used for SSL Connection to LDAP Server:

7. If using ApacheDS and setting password policies, point to the correction location.

# ApacheDS stores its password policies objects here by default: