undercover warns about methods, classes and blocks that were changed without tests, to help you easily find untested code and reduce the number of bugs. It does so by analysing data from git diffs,…
🎨 A curated list of delightful VS Code packages and resources.
An attempt to answer the age old interview question "What happens when you type into your browser and press enter?"
A fresh, new GraphQL server designed for Rails applications, emphasizing a natural, Ruby-like DSL.
Process manager for Procfile-based applications and tmux
Process manager for Procfile-based applications
Collection of helpful tips and tricks for VS Code.
An unofficial WhatsApp Desktop client for linux systems.
Simple ActiveRecord extension to store calculated values in the corresponding database fields
Adds file type icons to Vim plugins such as: NERDTree, vim-airline, CtrlP, unite, Denite, lightline, vim-startify and many more
~grb. Things in here are often interdependent. A lot of stuff relies on scripts in bin/.
� Automated code review tool integrated with any code analysis tools regardless of programming language
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A more helpful way to view differences between complex data structures in RSpec.
� Clean Code concepts adapted for Ruby
� Algorithms and data structures implemented in JavaScript with explanations and links to further readings
� A CLI workflow for the administration of macOS applications distributed as binaries