Mode commands:
- mV - mode Video
- mVL - mode Video Looping (*)
- mP - mode Photo
- mT - mode Timelapse video (**)
- mTP - mode Timelapse Photo (**)
- mTW - mode TimeWarp
- mPB - mode Photo Burst
- mPN - mode Photo Night
- mNL - mode Night-Lapse Video (**)
- mNP - mode Night-Lapse Photo (**)
- mL - mode Live-Burst Photo (HERO10 only)
- mST - mode Star Trails (HERO11/12 only)
- mLP - mode Light Painting (HERO11/12 only)
- mLT - mode Vehicle Lights (HERO11/12 only)
* Video Looping: You need to create this preset on camera, before this command will select it.
** Time/Night-Lapse modes: The camera defaults to having presets for only one time-lapse mode and one night-lapse mode, yet both modes have two configurations (video or photo.) For all QR Code mode commands to work, a preset is needed for every mode you wish to use. e.g. If you only have a preset for night-lapse video (NLV), the QR command for NLV will work, but will not for night-lapse photo (NLP). To solve this, create a new preset for NLP, and both video and photo night-lapse commands will work.
Defaults modes (on power up):
- dL - last used mode
- dV - last used Video mode
- dP - last used Photo mode
- dT - last used Timelapse mode
- r1 or r10 or r1080 - 1920x1080
- r1T or r14 or r1440 - 1920x1440
- r2 or r27 - for 2.7K 16x9
- r2T or r27T - for 2.7K Tall the 4x3 mode
- r3 - 3K 360° for GoPro MAX
- r4 - 4k 16x9
- r4T - 4k Tall, the 4x3 mode
- r4X - 4k Extreme, the 8x7 mode (H11/12)
- r5 - 5k for HERO5 and 5K 360° for GoPro MAX
- r5T - 5k Tall, the 4x3 mode
- r5X - 5k Extreme, the 8x7 mode (H11/12)
Frame rates:
- p24 - 24 fps
- p25 - 25 fps
- p30 - 30 fps
- p50 - 50 fps
- p60 - 60 fps
- p100 - 100 fps
- p120 - 120 fps
- p200 - 200 fps
- p240 - 240 fps
- (only supports existing frame rates, so p65 or p1000 will be ignored.)
Time-lapse frame rates:
- p2 (0.5s or 2Hz/2p capture)
- p1 (1s interval)
- p.2 (2s interval)
- p.5 (5s interval)
- p.10 through p.60 (10 to 60s interval)
NightLapse frame rates:
- p.120 through p.1800 (2 minutes to 60 minute interval)
Lens - FOV:
- fN - Narrow
- fM - Medium
- fW - Wide
- fX - SuperMax Wide (Max Lens Mod)
- fH - Horizonal Level + Linear (H9-12)
- fV - HyperView (H11/12)
Audio (Raw controls):
- aL - Low Processing
- aM - Medium Processing
- aH - High Processing
- b0 - Standard Bitrate
- b1 - High Bitrate
- cF - Color Flat
- cG - Color Vibrant
- cN - Color Natural (H10/11/12)
Depth (H11/12 only):
- d0 or d8 - 8-bit color
- d1 or d10 - 10-bit color
EIS (Hypersmooth control):
- e0 - Off
- e1 - On
- e2 - High
- e3 - Boost
- e4 - Auto
Exposure Lock:
- eL0 - Off
- eL1 - On
- eL2 - eL9 - Lock after 2 to 9 seconds.
Hindsight (Video modes H9-12):
- hS0 - Off
- hS1 - On 15s window
- hS2 - On 30s window
- hS5 - Experimental Labs H11/12 - 5s window
White Balance:
- wA - Auto White Balance
- w23 - 2300K White balance
- w28, w32, w40, w45 - 2800K, 3200K, 4000K, 4500K
- w50, w55, w60, w65 - 5000K, 5500K, 6000K, 6500K
- wN - Native White Balance (sensor raw)
ISO Minimum and Maximum (set to together with format i(max)M(min)):
- i1M1 - 100 ISO Max & Min
- i2M1 - 200 ISO Max with 100 ISO Min
- i16M8 - 1600 ISO Max with 800 ISO Min
- i32M1 - 3200 ISO Mac with 100 ISO Min
- i64M16 - 6400 ISO Mac with 1600 ISO Min
ISO Maximum and Shutter Lock (set to together format i(max)S(angle)):
- i1S180 - 100 ISO Max with a 180 degree shutter angle
- i8S90 - 800 ISO Max with a 90 degree shutter angle
- i4S45 - 400 ISO Max with a 45 degree shutter angle
- i16S22 - 1600 ISO Max with a 22 degree shutter angle
- i1S22 - 100 ISO Max with a 22 degree shutter angle
- i1S0 - 100 ISO Max with an Automatic shutter angle
- Angles between 22 and 1 degrees do have limited support. Experiment for higher shutter speeds. You will need a good amount of light and/or a higher ISO.
EV Compensation:
- x0 - EV 0 default
- x-.5 - EV -0.5
- x.5 - EV +0.5
- x-1 - EV -1.0
- x1 - EV +1.0
- x-1.5 - EV -1.5
- x1.5 - EV +1.5
- x-2 - EV -2.0
- x2 - EV +2.0
on some cameras models you can extend this to larger amounts (beyond the range the camera menu supports). - x-5 - EV -5.0
- x3 - EV +3.0
- sL - Low
- sM - Medium
- sH - High
Night Photo exposure time:
- eA - Auto exposure
- e2 - 2 second shutter
- …
- e30 - 30 second shutter
GoPro MAX Shooting Modes
- mH - mode Hero
- mHF - mode Hero Front
- mHR - mode Hero Rear
- m3 - mode 360°
- m3F - mode 360° front on LCD
- m3R - mode 360° rear on LCD
- mF - mode monitor Front lens
- mR - mode monitor Rear lens
Feature with off and on commands:
- EIS (Hypersmooth stabilization): e0 - off, e or e1 - on, e2 - High, e3 Boost, e4 Auto (H11/12)
- (Deprecated) GPS Active: g0 - off, g or g1 - on
- (Deprecated) Quick Capture: q0 - off, q or q1 - on
- (Deprecated) Voice Commands: v0 - off, v or v1 - on
Option (‘o’) commands:
- Brightness of the LCDs - oB0 … oB9 - (100%)
- Camera Auto Off - oC0 - Never, oC1 - 1min, oC5 - 5min, oC15 - 15min, oC30 - 30min
- LCDs off now - oDO
- LED control - oD0 - all off, oD2 - some on, oD4 - all on
- Extern Audio options - oE1 - Standard Mic, oE2 - Standard+ Mic, oE3 - Powered Mic, oE4 - Powered+ Mic, oE5 - Line In (HERO10/11/12 only)
- Front Screen control - oFxy - (see list below)
- GPS Options (HERO11 v2.1) - oG0 - off, oG1 - on
- Language - oLx - 0 English USA, 01 English UK, 02 English Aus, 03 English India, 1 German, 2 French, 3 Italian, 4 Spanish, 5 Chinese, 6 Japanese, 7 Korean, 8 Portuaguese, 9 Russian, 91 Swedish
- Noise Reduction control (HERO13) - oN0 High/Default (less noise/detail), oN1 Medium, oN2 Low (more noise/detail),
- Quick Capture (HERO11 v2.1) - oQ0 - off, oQ1 - on
- Rotation, Camera Orientation - oR0 - Auto, oR1 - Up, oR2 - Down, oR2 - Left, oR3 - Right
- Screen Auto Off - oS0 - Never, oS1 - 1min ... oS3 - 3min
- Shortcut Menu on LCD - oSAx - Upper Left, oSBx - Lower Left, oSCx - Upper Right, oSDx - Lower Right, oSR - reset. Where x is in the list below.
- Time and date - oTyymmddhhmmss.sss
- Time, daylight savings - oTD1 for daylight savings on or oTD0 for off
- Timezone (H11/12) - oTZ-7 or oTZ-420 e.g. -7 hour or -420 minutes timezone offset
- Volume of Beeps - oV0 - Mute, oV1 ... oV9 (min through max.)
- Volume Control - oVC0 - off, oVC1 - on
- WiFi Connection - oW0 - off, oW1 - on
- Max Lens Mod - oX0 - disabled, oX1 - MLM original enabled, oX2 - MLM 2.0 enanled
GoPro HERO9-12 Front Screen option commands
- oF0 or oFO - turn the front LCD off
- oFU - UI interface mode info only
- oFF - Full image (image is letterboxed)
- oFC - Cropped image (filling the front LCD)
- oFN - Never turn off
- oFM - Match rear screen on/off behavior
- oF1 - turn off after 1 minute
- oF2 - turn off after 2 minutes
- oF3 - turn off after 3 minutes
- oF5 - turn off after 5 minutes
Shortcut Menu Types (to be used with oSA, oSB, oSC and oSD) (coming soon)
Feature | value | Feature | value | Feature | value | Feature | value |
clear shortcut | 0 | burst rate | 8 | ISO max | 15 | horizon control | 24 |
zoom | 1 | duration | 9 | mic type | 16 | speed ramp | 25 |
fov | 2 | color | 10 | raw audio | 18 | scheduled capture | 26 |
slowmo | 3 | EV comp | 11 | sharpness | 19 | hindsight | 27 |
white balance | 5 | hypersmooth | 12 | timer | 20 | 10-bit | 28 |
shutter | 6 | interval | 13 | timewarp speed | 21 | nightphoto | 29 |
bit rate | 7 | ISO min | 14 | wind noise | 23 | trail length | 30 |
HERO11/12 UX modes:
- mE - mode Easy
- mPR - mode Pro
Custom Mode:
updated: Dec 5, 2023
Learn more on QR Control
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