- π I just rebuilding my office so I can start recording online lessons
- π± Iβm currently trying to follow my goals for 2022 π€£
- β‘ Fun fact: I love UX/UI design and play piano / bass and video game!
- Improve my Java skills
- Keep updated with React / Native / NextJS
- Google Cloud training
- Host and present some meetups
- Improve my Go Lang skills
- Join a Intensive dutch training week
- Google Cloud certification
- Host and present some meetups in Eindhoven
- Inburgerin examen (Nederland dutch exam)
- Algolia certification
- Create an API with Kotlin (reactive/ kafka / K8s)
- Improve my UX/UI
- Create a PWA project
- Learn RUST with Chat GPT
- Write some articles
- Create a Flutter APP
- Create an frontend app with Rust
- Organise React on the Beach conference
- Host and present some meetups in Eindhoven
- Inburgerin examen (Nederland dutch exam)
- Implement a design token flow
- Create new design items for my portfolio
- Astro framework
- Svelte and SveltKit framework
- Webcomponents
- Compare playright vs cypress
- Study a bit about Terraform
- Learn kubernates
- Create an API with Kotlin
- Use Prisma ORM in one project
- Create a PWA project
- Contribute to Open source projects
- Create 1 article each month
- Create a NFT example project
- Implement a design token flow
- Try out remix.js react framework
- Create new design items for my portfolio
- Webcomponents
- Mijn Nederlands verberen!
- compare playright vs cypress
- try new css libs/frameworks tailwind, radix-ui, stitches, emotion
- Host and present a meetup in Eindhoven
- Learn Protobuf
- Introduction and using Google Cloud
- Vite + React
- Flutter
- Try out Qwik
- React-native 0.68 with new architecture
- New React 18 features and changes
- 3 tips to learn even without skills - in Dutch
- Common UseEffects mistakes that even seniors are making
- About dreams - in Dutch
- Easier api layer in Frontend
- Deploy your app on Fridays and sleep weel - Cypress
- Learning to learn languages