This chart will deploy the New Relic Pixie Integration.
IMPORTANT: In order to retrieve the Pixie cluster id from the pl-cluster-secrets
the integration needs to be deployed in the same namespace as Pixie. By default, Pixie is installed in the pl
namespace. Alternatively the clusterId
can be configured manually when installing the chart. In this case the integration can be deployed to any namespace.
Parameter | Description | Default |
global.cluster - cluster |
The cluster name for the Kubernetes cluster. Required. | |
global.licenseKey - licenseKey |
The New Relic license key (stored in a secret). Required. | |
global.lowDataMode - lowDataMode |
If true , the integration performs heavier sampling on the Pixie span data and sets the collect interval to 15 seconds instead of 10 seconds. |
false |
global.nrStaging - nrStaging |
Send data to staging (requires a staging license key). | false |
apiKey |
The Pixie API key (stored in a secret). Required. | |
clusterId |
The Pixie cluster id. Optional. Read from the pl-cluster-secrets secret if empty. |
endpoint |
The Pixie endpoint. Required when using Pixie Open Source. | |
verbose |
Whether the integration should run in verbose mode or not. | false |
global.customSecretName - customSecretName |
Name of an existing Secret object, not created by this chart, where the New Relic license is stored | |
global.customSecretLicenseKey - customSecretLicenseKey |
Key in the existing Secret object, indicated by customSecretName , where the New Relic license key is stored. |
image.pullSecrets |
Image pull secrets. | nil |
customSecretApiKeyName |
Name of an existing Secret object, not created by this chart, where the Pixie API key is stored. | |
customSecretApiKeyKey |
Key in the existing Secret object, indicated by customSecretApiKeyName , where the Pixie API key is stored. |
podLabels |
Labels added to each Job pod | {} |
podAnnotations |
Annotations added to each Job pod | {} |
job.annotations |
Annotations added to the newrelic-pixie Job resource |
{} |
job.labels |
Annotations added to the newrelic-pixie Job resource |
{} |
nodeSelector |
Node label to use for scheduling. | {} |
tolerations |
List of node taints to tolerate (requires Kubernetes >= 1.6). | [] |
affinity |
Node affinity to use for scheduling. | {} |
proxy |
Set proxy to connect to Pixie Cloud and New Relic. | |
customScripts |
YAML containing custom scripts for long-term data retention. The results of the custom scripts will be stored in New Relic. See custom scripts for YAML format. | {} |
customScriptsConfigMap |
Name of an existing ConfigMap object containing custom script for long-term data retention. This configuration takes precedence over customScripts . |
excludeNamespacesRegex |
Observability data for namespaces matching this RE2 regex is not sent to New Relic. If empty, observability data for all namespaces is sent to New Relic. | |
excludePodsRegex |
Observability data for pods (across all namespaces) matching this RE2 regex is not sent to New Relic. If empty, observability data for all pods (in non-excluded namespaces) is sent to New Relic. |
Make sure you have added the New Relic chart repository.
Then, to install this chart, run the following command:
helm install newrelic/newrelic-pixie \
--set cluster=<Kubernetes cluster name> \
--set licenseKey=<Your New Relic license key> \
--set apiKey=<Your Pixie API key> \
--namespace pl \
Important: global parameters have higher precedence than locals with the same name.
These are meant to be used when you are writing a chart with subcharts. It helps to avoid setting values multiple times on different subcharts.
More information on globals and subcharts can be found at Helm's official documentation.
Parameter |
global.cluster |
global.licenseKey |
global.customSecretName |
global.customSecretLicenseKey |
global.lowDataMode |
global.nrStaging |
Custom scripts can either be configured directly in customScripts
or be provided through an existing ConfigMap customScriptsConfigMap
The entries in the ConfigMap should contain file-like keys with the .yaml
extension. Each file in the ConfigMap should be valid YAML and contain the following keys:
- name (string): the name of the script
- description (string): description of the script
- frequencyS (int): frequency to execute the script in seconds
- scripts (string): the actual PXL script to execute
- addExcludes (optional boolean,
by default): add pod and namespace excludes to the custom script
For more detailed information about the custom scripts see the New Relic Pixie integration repo.
custom1.yaml: |
name: "custom1"
description: "Custom script 1"
frequencyS: 60
script: |
import px
df = px.DataFrame(table='http_events', start_time=px.plugin.start_time)
ns_prefix = df.ctx['namespace'] + '/'
df.container = df.ctx['container_name']
df.pod = px.strip_prefix(ns_prefix, df.ctx['pod'])
df.service = px.strip_prefix(ns_prefix, df.ctx['service'])
df.namespace = df.ctx['namespace']
df.status_code = df.resp_status
df = df.groupby(['status_code', 'pod', 'container','service', 'namespace']).agg(
latency_min=('latency', px.min),
latency_max=('latency', px.max),
latency_sum=('latency', px.sum),
latency_count=('latency', px.count),
time_=('time_', px.max),
df.latency_min = df.latency_min / 1000000
df.latency_max = df.latency_max / 1000000
df.latency_sum = df.latency_sum / 1000000
df.cluster_name = px.vizier_name()
df.cluster_id = px.vizier_id()
df.pixie = 'pixie'
df, px.otel.Data(
'': df.service,
'': df.container,
'': df.pod,
'': df.pod,
'': df.namespace,
'': df.cluster_id,
'': df.cluster_name,
'instrumentation.provider': df.pixie,
description='measures the duration of the inbound HTTP request',
# Unit is not supported yet
# unit='ms',
0.0: df.latency_min,
1.0: df.latency_max,
'http.status_code': df.status_code,
The default set of resources assigned to the pods is shown below:
memory: 250M
cpu: 100m
memory: 250M