European Union Reference Laboratory for Genetically Modified Food and Feed (EURL GMFF)
Last update: 29/11/2024


GMOMETHODS provides information on EU reference methods for GMO Analysis that have been validated according to the principles and requirements of international standards. Data is retrieved from peer-reviewed journals and final reports of collaborative studies.

Last update (29/11/2024)
ID Description
QT-EVE-GM-020 Quantitative PCR method for detection of soybean event MON94313 (EURL GMFF, 2024)
QT-EVE-BV-002 Quantitative PCR method for detection of sugar beet event KWS20-1 (EURL GMFF, 2024)
QT-TAX-BV-001 Quantitative PCR method for detection of sugar beet glutamine synthetase GS2 gene (EURL GMFF, 2024)

Number of methods found: 220

Legend: Event specific Element specific Construct specific
Species specific Plant specific

ID Event name Species Genetic target Description
QL-ELE-00-010 RT73 (GT73) Oilseed Rape P-FMV Qualitative PCR method for detection of Figwort Mosaic Virus 35S (FMV) promoter (Pan et al., 2007)
QL-ELE-00-011 NK603 Maize T-nos Qualitative PCR method for detection of nopaline synthase (nos) terminator (Reiting et al., 2007)
QL-ELE-00-012 multiple events Maize CaMV P-35S Qualitative duplex PCR method for detection of CaMV 35S promoter; nopaline synthase (nos) terminator (target CaMV P-35S) (Waiblinger et al., 2008)
QL-ELE-00-013 multiple events Maize T-nos Qualitative duplex PCR method for detection of CaMV 35S promoter; nopaline synthase (nos) terminator (target T-nos) (Waiblinger et al., 2008)
QL-ELE-00-014 multiple events multiple species bar Qualitative PCR method for detection of phosphinothricin N-acetyl transferase gene (bar) (Grohmann et al., 2009)
QL-ELE-00-015 multiple events multiple species P-FMV Qualitative PCR method for detection of Figwort Mosaic Virus 35S (FMV) promoter (BVL, 2014)
QL-ELE-00-016 multiple events multiple species Cry1Ab/Ac Qualitative PCR method for detection of Cry1Ab/Ac gene (BVL, 2013)
QL-ELE-00-017 multiple events multiple species CaMV P-35S Qualitative PCR method for detection of CaMV 35S promoter (Barbau-Piednoir et al., 2014)

Related publications:

  • Bonfini, L., et al. "GMOMETHODS: The European Union Database of Reference Methods for GMO Analysis." Journal of AOAC International, vol. 95, no. 6, 1 Nov. 2012, pp. 1713-1719.
  • Bonfini, L., "In Silico Proposal of Screening Strategies for Detecting EU Authorised GMOs." European Commission, Ispra, JRC131782, 2023.