Rudolf Steiner - On the100th anniversary of his death

Rudolf Steiner - On the100th anniversary of his death

from 28. to 30. March 2025

Grosser Saal

This gathering in commemoration of the 100th anniversary of Rudolf Steiner’s death concludes an important sequence of conferences at the Goetheanum, with contributions from around the world dedicated to central stages in the development of the Anthroposophical Society and its School of Spiritual Science over a century. Rudolf Steiner died in his studio on 30 March 1925, at a time, when the school of spiritual science and its building, whose exterior he was able to design, were still unfolding. Three and a half years later, at Michaelmas 1928, more than 2000 people from many countries attended the opening of the second Goetheanum. 

In preparation for the conference on 30 March we will offer a series of biographical lectures. The conference itself will open with the vernissage of an exhibition on Rudolf Steiner’s life and work, his cultural effect and importance, with many contributions gratefully paying tribute to his life achievements and his spiritual and personal devotion to anthroposophy.

For the preparatory group, on behalf of the Goetheanum Leadership and the Executive Council, Christiane Haid, Stefan Hasler, Constanza Kaliks, Philipp Reubke, Peter Selg