Sections of the Free School
Podcast on therapeutic intuition by the Medical Section at the Goetheanum
Supporting self-sufficiency and independence
A Path to Promote Life
Civilizational tasks: 100 Years‘ School of Spiritual Science
Short film '100 years biodynamic'
“Through the senses to the spirit”
Peace in Ukraine!
Food quality one can taste and measure
Three signs and their message
Strength through trust during the pandemic
Art in digital times
Bringing out the colour
Jasmin Peschke illustrates the relationship of food and health
Online progr@mme
Collaboration of young people and biodynamic agriculture
Video ► The importance of meditation and inner development for health
Video ► Why culture and art make us human
Video ► Working on the Mystery Dramas
Video ► Take part in the Mystery Dramas!
Video ► Annual review and appeal for donations
Video ► Digital challenges in education
Video ► Individual responsibility in the time of Corona
Video ► Are we turning natural science into a religion?
Video ► Interculturality in the 21st century
All sections
- Becoming Human
- with Nature
- through Art
- in the Social Sphere
- in Healing
Becoming Human
General Anthroposophy
In the General Anthroposophical Section of the School of Spiritual Science, central questions of contemporary humanity and anthroposophy are researched and cultivated.
Spirituality begins with questions and intuitions. In our youth this search is pure and authentic. That is why we encourage young people to create spaces for discussion in order to find their own language and lifestyle for all that lies beyond words.
with Nature
Natural Sciences
As humans we are part of life, its very soul. It becomes conscious in and through us in animals, plants and someday in minerals. The next step is to understand nature, not control it even more but to discover its very essence.
To live from nature calls upon us to give her life in return. Life is relationship, so our task is to find and discover new life cycles where the earth nourishes us.
Ancient myths speak of thinking of human beings born from the stars and guided by them. Today, freed from the stars, a new bond can be formed with the universe, which can take humans beyond the sphere of the earth.
through Art
Performing Arts
Music, drama, dance, and eurythmy are all art forms of time. They lead us beyond time—it becomes space, panorama. The goal is the imagination, to seek and grasp what is eternal in the moment.
Visual Arts
Our spiritual nature as humans and that of all life becomes visible in painting and sculpture, which is beyond words and concepts. Here we experience what is spiritual, where understanding and feeling are united.
Literary Arts and Humanities
How a text becomes a poem, a shape becomes a sculpture, a picture becomes painting: that is determined by the "how." Beauty and truth come together. Here is the source for the quietest form of human happiness.
in Healing
Crisis and transformation are part of the journey to finding oneself. Therefore medicine should not so much seek to defeat the disease as to reawaken the natural health of the organism and give it strength and direction for self-healing.