Companies considering how to invest in AI capabilities should first understand that over the coming five years applications and machines will become less artificial and more intelligent. They will rely less on bottom-up big data and more on top-down reasoning that more closely resembles the way humans approach problems and tasks. This general reasoning ability will enable AI to be more broadly applied than ever, creating opportunities for early adopters even in businesses and activities to which it previously seemed unsuited. Current AI has lots of limitations. It especially has trouble handling “edge” cases—situations where little data exists for training. A driverless car that can handle crosswalks, pedestrians, and traffic has trouble processing anomalies like children dressed in unusual Halloween costumes, weaving across the street after dusk. Many systems are also easily stumped. The iPhone X’s facial recognition system doesn’t recognize “morning faces”—a user’s puffy, haggard look on first awakening. But in the coming years, systems that learn “top-down” from limited data will supplant these data-hungry bottom-up applications. They’ll have more efficient reasoning, ready expertise, common sense. Smart companies will place their bets on these more “human” systems.Companies considering how to invest in AI capabilities should first understand that over the coming five years applications and machines will become less artificial and more intelligent. They will rely less on bottom-up big data and more on top-down reasoning that more closely resembles the way humans approach problems and tasks. This general reasoning ability will enable AI to be more broadly applied than ever, creating opportunities for early adopters even in businesses and activities to which it previously seemed unsuited.