7 Ways to Set Up a New Hire for Success

May 10, 2019
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No one has a bigger impact on, or a bigger stake in, new employees’ success than the managers who hired them. Research has shown that being systematic in onboarding brings new employees up to speed 50% faster, which means they’re more quickly and efficiently able to contribute to achieving desired goals. So, the earlier managers start supporting their new hires, the better. How? First, understand the challenges of starting a new job, particularly building relationships with peers and adjusting to a different organizational challenge. Next, accelerate learning by figuring out the technical, cultural and political expertise they need to build and introducing them to the right resources to make that happen. Make them feel a part of their immediate team as well as connecting them with other key stakeholders. Give them clear direction on the what, how, and why of all the tasks they need to accomplish. Set them up to score early wins, and keep coaching them over the next several months.

No one has a bigger impact on new employees’ success than the managers who hired them. Why? Because more than anyone else the hiring manager understands what his or her people need to accomplish and what it will take — skills, resources, connections — for them to become fully effective.

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