How Project Managers Can Say No — While Preserving Relationships

October 24, 2023
Adie Bush/Getty Images


Handling scope creep is one of the most challenging – and important — aspects of a project manager’s role. This often means saying “no” when stakeholders request additional features or changes. In this article, the author outlines practical strategies for how to push back on more work in a way that maintains your relationship with the requester, whether that’s the project sponsor, a customer, or another stakeholder.

Projects would go much more smoothly if we laid out the scope and parameters at the beginning of a project and then never made any changes. But that’s not realistic and certainly not what happens in most real-life situations. Instead, there’s often scope creep — the gradual expansion of a project’s objectives, deliverables, or requirements beyond the initial plan. Handling scope creep is one of the most challenging — and important — aspects of a project manager’s role. This often means saying “no” when stakeholders request additional features or changes.

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