There are a number of relevant Commission actions which support EU countries to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals. These include:
- Support to partner countries in their efforts to build strong, good quality, and resilient health systems, including in implementing the International Health Regulations, while fostering regional and cross-border capacity building.
- The European One Health Action Plan against Antimicrobial Resistance adopted on 29 June 2017 focuses on the added value the EU can bring by supporting EU countries in establishing, implementing and monitoring their national action plans and exchanging best practices, promoting innovation and research through EU funding and research, and strengthening the EU's leading role with international organisations and major trade partners.
- A comprehensive approach to tackling the non-communicable disease (NCD) burden, focusing on promotion of healthy lifestyles, addressing major risk factors, as well as the prevention and management of diseases. The Commission coordinates its efforts through the Steering Group on Promotion and Prevention as a forum for consultation with EU countries.
- Working to reduce the use of tobacco through a range of measures, including regulating and restricting the advertising of tobacco products, implementing smoke-free environments and running anti-smoking campaigns. The Tobacco Products Directive (TPD) became applicable in EU countries on 20 May 2016. The EU is an active partner in international tobacco control and plays an important role at the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control Conference of the Parties.
- The Commission supports EU countries achieving the UN/WHO eradication (polio) and elimination (measles, rubella) targets as part of the 2011-2020 Global Vaccine Action Plan, focusing on synergies between the promotion of immunisation and the improvement of preparedness. A Council Recommendation on strengthened cooperation against vaccine preventable diseases is part of the Commission work programme 2018.