Proof of account

Last updated: 27/11/2024 11.25 AM

How do I access and download a proof of account document

A proof of account document provides proof of your active account(s). This document is usually a requirement for Government agencies and some employers.
To access this document in ANZ Internet Banking:
  1. Select the account from Your accounts in the top navigation.
  2. Click Account details.
  3. Scroll down until you see Proof of Account, click Download PDF.
This will download the document, which you can either print or send via email.
To access this document in the ANZ goMoney mobile app:
  1. Select the account from your account screen.
  2. Tap Account Details.
  3. Tap Proof of Account.
  4. Tap the icon in the top right corner to print or email this document.

Account name vs legal name

If you’re expecting a payment from someone, don’t give the name displayed under Proof of Account. Please provide them with your legal first and last name (that you can find on your birth certificate or passport), or business name, so they get a match from their bank’s Confirmation of Payee service.

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