馃棏锔� How Do I Delete My Account?
Note: If you have a paid Hobnob membership deleting your account will NOT automatically cancel your subscription since subscriptions are managed by the App Store or Google Play store directly.
You do not need to delete your account in order to cancel your subscription. If you'd like help canceling your subscription, please see 馃洃 How Do I Cancel My Plan?
To delete your Hobnob account on an iOS device go to your app Profile screen (accessed by tapping your avatar in the left menu). Scroll to the bottom of the Profile screen and tap the row to Delete My Account.
If you are on an Android device, please text the words "Delete Account" to 415-941-0998聽from the number associated with the account you want deleted.
If you are the admin of a Space you need to delete any Space created before we can delete your account.
If you're still having trouble, send us an email at help@hobnob.io. Please include your phone number in your email.