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Log and Tracing Data Volume Index

The data volume index is populated with a set of log messages every five minutes. The messages contain information on how much data (by bytes and messages count) your account is ingesting. Your data volume is calculated based on when your logs were received, in Sumo this timestamp is stored with the _receiptTime metadata field. Each log message includes information based on one of the following index source categories.

Index Log TypeIndex Source Category

You can query the data volume index just like any other message using the Sumo Logic search page. To see the data created within the data volume index, when you search, specify the _index metadata field with a value of sumologic_volume. For more information, see Search Metadata.

Sumo Logic App for Data Volume

Sumo Logic provides an application that utilizes the data volume index to see your account's volume usage as a glance. For details, see Data Volume app.

Known Issue

There is a known issue when searching against _sourceCategory values where scheduled views show up blank. This causes results to be returned with numbers as the _sourceCategory values.

For example, you would see:


In this case, the _sourceCategory returns 2862, which is the actual size of the default index from the scheduled view.

Query the Data Volume Index

  1. In the Search page, enter the query _index=sumologic_volume.


    Make sure to enter the query exactly as shown to search against this specific source.

  2. Choose the time range for the data that you'd like to review.

  3. Click Start to run the search. Results return in the Messages tab.

To further limit the search results to the data volume index data for a specific volume category, you can supply the index source category using the _sourceCategory metadata and one of the index source categories from the previous table. For example:

_index=sumologic_volume AND _sourceCategory=collector_and_tier_volume

If the data volume index is not enabled, a search will not produce any results.

Data Volume Index Message Format

The data volume index messages are JSON formatted messages that contain parent objects for each source data point, and child objects that detail the message size and count for each parent.

For example, a single message for the "Collector" volume data may look similar to the following, with field, dataTier, sizeinBytes, extractedAndCollectedFieldsSize, and count values for those five minutes.


For example, a single message for the "Collector" volume data may look similar to the following flex data, with field, dataTier, sizeInBytes, extractedAndCollectedFieldsSize, and count values for those five minutes.

{"field": "part_a","dataTier":"Flex","sizeInBytes":13754115,"extractedAndCollectedFieldsSize":6835091,"count":10255}


Volume for Each Category

This example query will return the volume for each Source Category by data tier.

_index=sumologic_volume _sourceCategory = "sourcecategory_and_tier_volume"
| parse regex "(?<data>\{[^\{]+\})" multi
| json field=data "field","dataTier","sizeInBytes","count" as sourcecategory, dataTier, bytes, count
| bytes/1Gi as gbytes
| sum(gbytes) as gbytes by sourceCategory,dataTier

would produce results such as:


Volume for Each Collector by Tier

This example query will return the volume for each Collector.

_index=sumologic_volume _sourceCategory = "collector_and_tier_volume"
| parse regex "(?<data>\{[^\{]+\})" multi
| json field=data "field","dataTier","sizeInBytes","count" as collector, dataTier, bytes, count
| bytes/1Gi as gbytes
| sum(gbytes) as gbytes by collector,dataTier

Volume for a Specific Source

The following query returns the message volume for a specific Source. The Source name and Data tier can be supplied within a JSON operation to get the data for that Source.

_index=sumologic_volume _sourceCategory = "source_and_tier_volume"
| parse regex "(?<data>\{[^\{]+\})" multi
| json field=data "field","dataTier","sizeInBytes","count" as source, dataTier, bytes, count
| where source="<<my_source_name>>" and dataTier="<<datatier_json>>"
| bytes/1Gi as gbytes
| sum(gbytes) as gbytes by source
| fields gbytes

Volume for a Specific Collector

The following query returns the message volume for a specific Collector. The Collector name and Data tier can be supplied within a JSON operation to get the data for that Collector.

_index=sumologic_volume _sourceCategory = "collector_and_tier_volume"
| parse regex "(?<data>\{[^\{]+\})" multi
| json field=data "field","dataTier","sizeInBytes","count" as collector, dataTier, bytes, count
| where collector ="<<collector_json>>" and dataTier="<<datatier_json>>"
| bytes/1Gi as gbytes
| sum(gbytes) as gbytes by collector
| fields gbytes

Volume for Each Source Host

The following query returns the message volume for each Source Host. The sourcehost name and data tier can be supplied within a JSON operation to get the data for that sourcehost.

_index=sumologic_volume _sourceCategory = "sourcehost_and_tier_volume"
| parse regex "(?<data>\{[^\{]+\})" multi
| json field=data "field","dataTier","sizeInBytes","count" as sourcehost, dataTier, bytes, count
| where sourcehost="<<sourcejost_json>>" and dataTier="<<datatier_json>>"
| bytes/1Gi as gbytes
| sum(gbytes) as gbytes by sourcehost
| fields gbytes

Volume for the Default Index

The following query returns the message volume for the Default Index. The data tier can be supplied with a JSON operation to filter results of that tier.

_index=sumologic_volume _sourceCategory = "sourcehost_and_tier_volume"
| parse regex "(?<data>\{[^\{]+\})" multi
| json field=data "field","dataTier","sizeInBytes","count" as sourcehost, dataTier, bytes, count
| where sourcehost="<<sourcejost_json>>" and dataTier="<<datatier_json>>"
| bytes/1Gi as gbytes
| sum(gbytes) as gbytes by sourcehost
| fields gbytes

Tracing Data Volume Index

Sumo Logic populates the Tracing Data Volume Index with a set of JSON-formatted messages every five minutes. The messages contain the volume of tracing billed bytes and span count of Tracing data that your account is ingesting. 

You can query the index to:

  • Get the total tracing data volume (billed bytes/spans count) ingested by collector, source, source name, source category, or source host.

Message format

Each JSON message contains the parent object for each tracing, and child objects that detail the billed byes and spans count for each parent.

For example, a single message for collector volume data may look similar to the following, where collector_N is the name of a collector. The billed bytes and span counts values are the aggregated volume for a five minute time period.

"collector_a":{"billedBytes":733296,spansCount: 67082},
"collector_b":{"billedBytes":523296,spansCount: 47082},
"collector_c":{"billedBytes":733536,spansCount: 89086},
"collector_d":{"billedBytes":133296,spansCount: 53083},

Querying the Tracing Data Volume index

When you query the index, the query scope must include the following:

_index=sumologic_volume _sourceCategory=<index_source_category>

Where index_source_category is one of the categories listed in the table below.

Index Log TypeIndex Source CategoryDescription
Collectorcollector_tracing_volumeUse this source category to query tracing volume by collector.
Sourcesource_tracing_volumeUse this source category to query tracing volume by source.
SourceNamesourcename_tracing_volumeUse this source category to query tracing volume by source name.
SourceCategorysourcecategory_tracing_volumeUse this source category to query tracing volume by source category.

Tracing volume query examples

Tracing volume by source category

This query returns the tracing volume by source category.

_index=sumologic_volume _sourceCategory="sourcecategory_tracing_volume"
| parse regex "\"(?<sourcecategory>[^\"]+)\"\:(?<data>\{[^\}]*\})" multi
| json field=data "billedBytes", "spansCount"
|sum(billedBytes) as"billedBytes" by sourcecategory

This query produces results like these: 


Tracing volume by collector

This query returns the tracing volume by collector.

_index=sumologic_volume _sourceCategory="collector_tracing_volume"
| parse regex "\"(?<collector>[^\"]+)\"\:(?<data>\{[^\}]*\})" multi
| json field=data "billedBytes", "spansCount"
|sum(billedBytes) as "billedBytes" by collector

This query produces results like these:


Tracing volume for a specific collector

This query returns the tracing volume for a specific Collector. The Collector name can be supplied within a JSON operation to get the data for that Collector.

_index=sumologic_volume _sourceCategory="collector_tracing_volume"
| parse regex "\"(?<collector>[^\"]+)\"\:(?<data>\{[^\}]*\})" multi
| json field=data "billedBytes", "spansCount"
| where collector ="<<collector_json>>"
|sum(billedBytes) as billedBytes by collector
| fields billedBytes

Query for tracing ingestion outliers

This query runs against the tracing volume index and uses the outlier operator to find timeslices in which your tracing ingestion in billed bytes or span count was greater than the running average by a statistically significant amount.

_index=sumologic_volume _sourceCategory=sourcecategory_tracing_volume
| parse regex "\"(?<sourcecategory>[^\"]+)\"\:(?<data>\{[^\}]*\})" multi
| json field=data "billedBytes", "spansCount"
| timeslice 6h
|sum(billedBytes) as "billedBytes" by _timeslice
|outlier "billedBytes"

The suggested time range for this query is 7 days. Timeslices can always be reduced depending on the time range of the query. 

Query for tracing ingestion prediction 

This query runs against the tracing volume index and uses the predict operator to predict future values.

_index=sumologic_volume _sourceCategory=sourcecategory_tracing_volume
| parse regex "\"(?<sourcecategory>[^\"]+)\"\:(?<data>\{[^\}]*\})" multi
| json field=data "billedBytes", "spansCount"
| timeslice 1h
| sum(billedBytes) as %"billedBytes" by _timeslice
| predict %"billedBytes" by 1h model=ar, forecast=20
| fields - billedBytes_error

The suggested time range for this query is 7 days. Timeslices can always be reduced depending on the time range of the query.

Index retention period

By default, the retention period of the Data Volume index is the same as the retention period of your Default Partition. You can change the retention period by editing the partition that contains the index, sumologic_volume. For more information, see Edit a Partition.

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