Responding to Customer Reviews - FAQ

What are customer reviews?

After receiving their order, customers can rate and provide feedback on their overall experience and order.

Can I respond to customer reviews?

Yes, you can help keep customers happy by responding directly to their reviews. You can say thanks, or send an offer to encourage customers to order again. You can also track the impact of your replies and see the number of customers who order again.

How do I respond to customer reviews on Uber Eats?

  1. Find the Feedback tab in the left hand navigation of Uber Eats Manager and then click Reviews. You’ll see customer reviews, sorted by recency along with new details such as their order history.
  2. Select the review you’d like to respond to by clicking the “Reply” button.
  • Your customer will be notified of your response
  • You can also add a self-funded offer code for the customer to use at your restaurant in the next 30 days. All offers and promotions are subject to the Merchant Terms and Conditions (see below).

What types of responses are NOT recommended?

The following types of responses are considered misuse and we don’t recommend: - Responses that blame Uber Eats or the delivery person. - Responses that include outside links or spam. - Responses that contain rude comments, profanity, or any forms of harassment. - Responses that violate the Merchant Terms and Conditions or Community Guidelines (see below).

What happens if I choose to send an offer code when replying?

Customers can redeem the offer on their next order at that particular location. The offer will expire after 30 days from the send date and is funded by you. All offers and promotions are subject to Terms and Conditions (see below).

How will the customer know I responded?

Customers will receive email notifications with your reply. This will include your written response as well as the offer details, if available. Customers can also see your reply in the Uber Eats app.

How many times can I respond to a review?

Customers can only rate their order once, and you only have one opportunity to reply to that rating with a single private message.

How will I know when I have new reviews to respond to?

You’ll receive a once daily email or notification in the Uber Eats Manager app when new reviews are ready for reply across all locations. You’ll have 7 days to respond.

Can I opt-out of receiving email notifications?

You can choose to unsubscribe from email notifications, however, this will unsubscribe you from all Uber Eats marketing emails.

How long do I have to respond to reviews?

You have 7 days to respond to reviews from the time customers left the feedback.

Can I see reviews for all of my locations?

Yes, reviews include the store name and you can use filters to find reviews for a particular location.