During a trip, the Split Fare feature allows you to divide the trip price equally between riders.
The app can’t split a price after the trip has ended.
Options vary based on your city and region. Split Fare may not be available for all Uber options.
Everyone you invite is sent a notification request to accept your split fare. The trip price is then divided equally among you and the riders who accept.
When a price is split, each participating rider is charged a small fee. Your receipt will show the total price split fee for all riders.
If a rider chooses not to accept Split Fare or doesn’t have a valid payment method, you’ll be charged for both your portion and theirs. Active promotions on your account only apply to your share of the price.
Apple Pay may not work on split prices. If you use Apple Pay but want to split a fare, you may need to use another payment method. You can switch back to Apple Pay on your next trip.