What trips are eligible for refunds?
- Orders that:
- Were never received
- Were entirely wrong
- Had missing items
- Had damaged items
- Were delivered late
- Had to be prepared again because the courier was late
- Had issues with the return trip
- Were never picked up
- Had safety issues
Please refer to your contract for exact refund conditions.
How do I submit bulk refund requests on the dashboard?
- Use the template in the dashboard to document the orders with issues.
- Make sure the below column headers are on the template.
- Submit your CSV in the dashboard:
- Navigate to the Help tab.
- Click Start a refund request.
- Upload your CSV file.
- Click Submit.
You’ll get an email from us if we find any issues.
CSV headers and descriptions
Uber Order ID
- The delivery token (has prefix del_) or workflow UUID (can be found at the end of the tracking page URL)
- This field is mandatory unless the External Order ID is provided
- See the How do I identify my orders? section for more information
External Order ID
- The identifier your store uses to track orders
- This field is mandatory unless the Uber Order ID is provided
- If you use the same identifier for multiple orders, don’t use the External Order ID
- See the How do I identify my orders? section for more information
External Store ID
- The identifier your store uses to track orders
- Don’t use it if you use the same identifier for multiple orders
Refund issue
Use one of the following reasons:
Refund issue is a required field and must be submitted in English.
- This is an optional field to add more information about the request
Items Missing
- Include missing items in this column, if applicable
Manifest Total Value
- The value of the items in the order (before fees and taxes)
- We’ll use the value that you passed in the API, if applicable
How do I choose a refund reason?
Select the reason that most closely matches your experience.
- UBER_NEVER_RECEIVED_ORDER: The order shows “completed” but the end customer did not receive their order
- UBER_ENTIRE_ORDER_WRONG: The end customer’s entire order was wrong
- UBER_MISSING_ITEMS: One or more items in an order was missing (e.g. fries were not included)
- UBER_DAMAGED_ITEM: The end customer received the order with one or more items damaged (e.g. damaged packaging)
- UBER_ORDER_DELIVERED_LATE: Order was delivered outside the estimated time range
- UBER_HAD_TO_PREPARE_ORDER_AGAIN: Restaurant had to prepare order twice due to the delivery person’s delayed arrival
- UBER_RETURN_TRIP_ISSUE: There were issues with the return order
- UBER_NEVER_PICK_UP: The delivery person never picked up the order from the store location.
- UBER_SAFETY_ISSUE: A dish or food item does not meet applicable food safety guidelines and poses a threat to health
Please refer to your contract for exact refund conditions.
How do I identify my orders?
There are four options for identifying an order:
- Uber Workflow UUID
- Uber Delivery Token
- External Order ID
- External Order ID and External Store ID
The tool doesn’t accept 5-digit Uber Order IDs. We recommend using the Uber Workflow UUID or the Uber Delivery Token since they are unique identifiers.
Where do I find the IDs?
Uber Workflow UUID
- API: UUID field of the CreateDelivery response
- Dashboard: UUID at the end of the tracking link
Uber Delivery Token
- API: ID field of the CreateDelivery response (starts with “del_”)
External Order ID
- API: Value passed to external_id in CreateDelivery request
- Dashboard: Can be viewed on the trip card in the Direct Dashboard
External Store ID
- API: Value passed to external_store_id in the CreateStore request for the associated store of the order
Why did some of the orders in my bulk refund request fail?
You can see errors in the “Error Message” column of your CSV attachment. Here are some errors you may receive:
- DeliveryDateTooOld: We cannot process refunds for orders that are more than 40 days old.
- AlreadySubmitted: We’ve already received a refund request for this order. Our support agents will be reviewing it soon.
- NotUnique: We can’t find the trip in question because the order ID has been used on other trips. Try again using a unique Uber Order ID.
- RefundTypeNotFound: Please use a refund reason from the above list. Double check that the text matches what appears there.
- OrderNotFound: We couldn’t find any trips with the identifier you provided. Try again using a unique Uber Order ID.
- InvalidIdentifier: The Uber Order ID needs to be a workflow UUID or a delivery token.
- TripInProgress: This trip hasn’t been completed or canceled, so it isn’t eligible for a refund.
How will I know if my refund request is approved or denied?
We’ll reply to your email within 48 hours of submitting your request.