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  • 8 November 2024

CERIS - Community for European Research and Innovation for Security

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Aiming to facilitate interactions within the security research community and users of research outputs, in 2014 the Commission established the Community of Users for Safe, Secure and Resilient Societies (CoU), which gathered around 1,500 registered stakeholders (policy makers, end-users, academia, industry and civil society) and regularly held thematic events with the security research community. Now named the Community for European Research and Innovation for Security (CERIS), this platform continues and expands the work of the CoU, in light of the forthcoming Horizon Europe developments between 2021-2027.

The objectives of CERIS are to

  • analyse identified capability needs and gaps in the corresponding areas
  • identify solutions available to address the gaps
  • translate capability gaps and potential solutions into research needs
  • identify funding opportunities and synergies between different funding instruments
  • identify standardisation research-related needs
  • integrate the views of citizens


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CERIS events

Commission presents on-going measures for CERIS and security research

In December 2021, the Commission published a staff working document titled "Enhancing security through research and innovation"

The document describes examples how

  • law enforcement authorities,
  • border guards and
  • first responders

benefit from EU security research projects promoting innovative technologies and knowledge sharing. The area of activities range from fighting crime and terrorism to border management and disaster resilience.

The document also promotes a capability driven approach towards civil security, moving from a reactive approach towards foresight, prevention and preparedness among security practitioners.


The staff-working document also describes the measures to enable an optimal uptake of research results into operational tools and services available to EU country authorities and EU agencies.

These measures include:

  • the Community for European Research and Innovation for Security (CERIS), which is integrating all stakeholders and areas related to security research under one community
  • the setting up a high-level European Forum on Security Research in 2022, to support a policy-led approach to security research in the EU
  • fostering a capability-driven approach in security in line with Action 1 of the Action Plan on synergies between civil, defence and aerospace industries
  • removing barriers to initiate innovation in security, for instance by creating synergies among EU funding instruments.

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