The Radicalisation Awareness Network (RAN) is a network of frontline or grassroots practitioners from around Europe. There are more than 3,200 RAN participants* from around the EU. This online database includes only the participants who have provided their informed consent to have their personal details published online. Anyone may consult the database. Unsolicited mailings of any kind to the list contained within this online database are strictly prohibited.
Consult the RAN privacy notice
RAN participants have attended RAN events or participated in RAN activities.
* Please note that the number of RAN participants could possibly be higher than the number of participants whose names are published below, since out of the total number of participants who received the questionnaire enabling this publication, some might either not replied or not given their explicit consent to publication.
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Participant database (2586)
RSSCriminal Sanctions Agency
VAJA, Kitab specialist and counselling centre for religiously motivated extremism
Municipality of The Hague
Buro Jeugdbeleid
City of Barcelona
European Institute of the Mediterranean (IEMed)
University of Helsinki I Centre for Continuing Education
Interfaith charity ‘Birmingham Community Spirit’
University of Warwick
Royal Holloway, University of London
Changemaker Finland
UNDP Kosovo
Police de Liège
Cranford Community College
Kommon Ground
Northern Ireland Prison Service
Department for Education
University of the Basque Country