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Migration and Home Affairs

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8th European Migration Forum
  • News article

The 8th edition of the European Migration Forum, held in Brussels on 4 and 5 December 2023, brought together more than 250 participants from civil society and institutions working in the field of migration, asylum and integration.

  • 1 min read
Collage of human profiles in different coloured papers
  • News article

Migration occupies central stage in the public debate. The EU funded E-MINDFUL project aims to help investigate the key factors that shape public perceptions about migration and migrants. Its goal is to provide guidance on how to build effective communication strategies that can reduce polarisation.

  • 1 min read
The phot shows a professional trying to bribe another professional sitting across a desk. The second person refuses the money handed in the envelope by marking an x with his hands.
  • News article

Within 2023, the Commission delivered a far-reaching legislative anti-corruption set of measures while also establishing an EU Network against Corruption. These initiatives follow up on President von der Leyen’s pledge to fight corruption in the EU and worldwide, as stated by Commissioner Johansson.

  • 1 min read
  • Corruption
visa digitalisation
  • News article

After the Council’s adoption of the new visa rules, travellers to the Schengen area will be able to apply for their visa online. The new visa rules will modernise, simplify, and harmonise visa procedures through digitalisation, although the provisions will not be applicable immediately.

  • 1 min read
  • Visa policy