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Ikon kategori

Ms. Cheezious

Truk Makanan$$$$
Wynwood Arts District, Miami
  • Tips
    "get the brie (brie) and apple sandwhich so delicious!"(2 Tips)
    Tee H.
    "turkey sandwich (roti lapis) with bacon yummyy but pricey"(4 Tips)
    Amanda S.
    "You have to try the bacon (bacon) and blue and the brie and apple sandwiches...."(3 Tips)
    Miami New Times
    "Don't forget the sweet potato fries (kentang goreng)."(3 Tips)
Ikon Tips dan Ulasan8 Tips dan ulasan
  • roti lapis
  • brie
  • bacon
  • kalkun
  • keju
Ikon pengguna
Masuk untuk memberikan tips di sini.

  • Populer
  • Terkini
  • Miami New Times
    Miami New TimesJuli 15, 2013
    She gives us the gift of crisp bacon sandwiches, layered with bleu cheese and green onion ($7). Sweet potato fries! Don't forget the sweet potato fries.
  • Amanda S.ikon hati pada gambar pengguna
    Amanda SaterJuni 24, 2015
    You have to try the bacon and blue and the brie and apple sandwiches. To die for.
  • Grant S.
    Grant SternOktober 18, 2014
    Most amazing cheese fries on this planet. They literally saved my friend's life last night #foodies
  • Tee H.
    Tee HiJuni 12, 2015
    yess i loved the turkey sandwich with bacon yummyy but pricey and good..
  • Marcos
    MarcosNovember 5, 2014
    get the brie and apple sandwhich so delicious!
  • 馃挮Coco
    馃挮CocoMaret 9, 2013
    Love the Grilled Harvest!
  • Enrique M.
    Enrique ManticaJuli 26, 2013
    For me the best food truck in miami
  • CB G.
    CB GainesAgustus 23, 2011
    Pernah ke sini 10+ kali
    Vote for Ms. Cheezious on The Great Food Truck Race. She's the cheesiest. Baca selanjutnya
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