Company activity

Updated 14 hours ago

This page gives you a detailed overview of how Credit Union of Texas has used Trustpilot over the past 12 months. Find out where their reviews come from, how their star ratings differ per source, how many reviews they flag, and whether those flagged reviews actually breach our guidelines.

Claimed their Trustpilot profile: April 2022.

Confirmed details

Proof of identity

Proof of identity of a user associated with this account

Contact details

Google My Business account verified and synced

Registered domain name ownership

Domain name confirmed in a third-party database

Bank account

Bank account registered during subscription process

Trustpilot has no recent records of Credit Union of Texas asking their customers to review them.

Review sources

Where reviews have come from for the past 12 months









Total reviews from the past 12 months


Star distribution by review source

How star ratings differ by review source from the past 12 months

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Reviews over time

How Credit Union of Texas got its reviews in the past 12 months

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New reviews by star rating

How many new reviews (distributed by star rating) Credit Union of Texas got each month in the past 12 months

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Reply behavior

How Credit Union of Texas replied to negative reviews in the past 12 months

  • Hasn't replied to negative reviews for the past 12 months.

Credit Union of Texas’s flagging activity

How frequently Credit Union of Texas flagged their reviews in the past 12 months

Transparency icon

Credit Union of Texas hasn’t flagged any reviews in the past 12 months.