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Company details

  1. Washer and Dryer Store
  2. Electrician

Written by the company

Køb hvidevarer online hos Lindved El i Vejle eller besøg os i butikken - vi leverer din nye vaskemaskine, opvaskemaskine eller køleskab i hele Danmark. Vi installerer og monterer hvidevarer i en radius af ca. 50 km fra Lindved, Vejle - bor du i eller i nærheden af Horsens, Skanderborg, Aarhus, Kolding eller Vejle, leverer og monterer vi gerne dine nye hvidevarer.

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TrustScore 5 out of 5

119 reviews


Rated 4 out of 5 stars

Great service and fast delivery

Great service and fast delivery. However, I am missing a shipment-tracking feature so I know when the order is going to be delivered. This time I only heard from the courier 10 minutes before he arrived.

Date of experience: 11 October 2023

Lindved El A/S logo

Reply from Lindved El A/S

Dear Matus, I am glad that we delivered quickly and that you experienced good service.

We have an agreement with our delivery company that they must call half an hour before they arrive. We are sorry that it was not successful this time.

We hope to see you another time! Best regards, Lena from Lindved El

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