Thanks for your message!
If you are left-handed and you wish to learn, there is actually no need to change the method or search for specific tutorials: you can perfectly use our tutorials as they are, they work for everybody! 🙂️ Indeed, since you are a total beginner, you have to learn everything from scratch anyway, regardless of the method used, so there is no special interest in reversing everything.
Plus, to knit, you have to use both hands, and the movements are fairly balanced between both of them. Right-handed people use their left hands when knitting, and left-handed people use their right hands in the same way.
Some left-handed people find it easier to learn the continental method of knitting. The yarn is held in and manipulated by the left hand, which may seem more natural, but it is perfectly possible to learn the English knitting method as a leftie, too.
Also, remember that whether you are left-handed or right-handed, everyone has a unique way to hold the needle and work with the yarn. Try different methods until you find what feels good to you, then practice as much as you can and you will enjoy your new hobby! 😍️
Regarding our patterns, all videotutorials are available from our Youtube channel and some additional tips from our Blog.
Do not hesitate to ask our Customer Service if your need, we are here to help you!