DKB | Deutsche Kreditbank AG Reviews 6,541

TrustScore 2 out of 5


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Rated 1 out of 5 stars

I could never use the account because of the terrible app and customer service. I have been trying to close it several times, but I never received a confirmation nor an answer.
I wish their service
had some basic level of professionalism.

Rated 1 out of 5 stars

DKB service has deteriorated drastically over the years (I was client for > 10years). While my sister received quick responses to her inquiries, I had to deal with month-long delays and severe IT issues that exposed serious weaknesses in their banking systems.
1. Slow Email Processing & Ignored Complaints
• A few years ago, I started noticing that email responses took over a month to arrive.
• Even in urgent cases, such as fraud incidents and credit card cancellations, there was no fast response.
• I submitted multiple complaints, but they were completely ignored without any meaningful resolution.

2. IT Chaos & Failed Credit Card Cancellation
• The most severe incident occurred when fraudulent transactions appeared on my credit card.
• I immediately attempted to block my card, but at that time, DKB was using two different banking apps (an old and a new one), making it entirely unclear which app should be used for critical actions.
• I blocked my card using the new app and even received a confirmation – yet the system never processed the request.
• When I later contacted customer service (since I haven’t received response to my urgent email of credit card fraud and blocking the credit card with the app), they had no record of my cancellation request – a catastrophic IT failure that should never happen at a bank.

3. No Trust Left in This Service
• It is unacceptable that a bank lacks basic IT security processes and internal control over its digital platforms.
• New apps are launched without proper functionality, leaving customers unsure of which app to use for important transactions.
• On top of this, customer service responses are painfully slow, making it impossible to rely on them in emergencies.

Following this incident, I decided to terminate my relationship with DKB and report the case to the consumer protection authority (Verbraucherzentrale Berlin) since those gaps are legally concerning and are not addressed after several attempts as customer.

Rated 2 out of 5 stars

No English. No free credit card (anymore). Virtually no accountability nor support. I had €2.000+ in my account and they didn't let me withdraw anything for 1+ week. I found no contact form and both website and app forwarded me to unhelpful FAQs. I e-mailed support and only heard back after the issue solved itself 1+ week after. Otherwise good. Free account and debit card, good exchange rates.

Rated 2 out of 5 stars

DKB released an unfinished app which works half the time it should. The online banking experience is poor, though the UI is good. There are no foreign transaction fees which is cool, but only if you're an "active" customer. What I dislike, though, is that you cannot enable transactions for incoming or outgoing payments that are NOT made with the debit card. The investment part of the app is a joke. ING beats DKB in every aspect..

Company details

  1. Bank

Information provided by various external sources

DKB - Meine Internet-Bank, kostenloses Girokonto mit Kreditkarte, günstige Kredite und Immobilienfinanzierung für Privatkunden, Finanzdienstleistungen für den Mittelstand und Öffentliche Unternehmen

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TrustScore 2 out of 5

7K reviews


Hasn’t replied to negative reviews

Rated 1 out of 5 stars

It is all bad… all!

I have had few issues now and then with the bank and it always has ended up with a really unsupportive conversations… you have to call few times for you to be heard. Also as good old style business, you have to call, as mail conversation is silly. Replies of 1 sentence where a bot could be more helpful. I dont understsnd how little they care for a costumer. Apart from this, dont even bother trying to them in English as you will get a proper racist feedback in return. All of it, so old style…and I dont even comment on the App… 😱

Date of experience: 08 May 2023

Rated 1 out of 5 stars



I had an account there for over 10years. I used it in the first years when I was traveling and it was free.
I didn't use the account for many years now and I had to find out that they have charged me 350€ just for account fees and interests on that. This is really really bad. Now I lost 350€ for nothing.

Date of experience: 05 April 2023

Rated 1 out of 5 stars

Terrible and unprofessional experience

My partner was not allowed to open an account. No reason was stated..

I had to wait ages to get a reply after having applied for an account, then I uploaded my Anmeldung as I was asked for. Two weeks later I receive a message saying that I should upload my Anmeldung 'as stated in the message we sent on [today's date]'. ??? It seems the right hand does not know what the left hand is doing at DKB.

Jumped straight over to Comdirect and boom! I am now a customer after one week! DKB - I hope you learn from your mistakes.. You lost a good customer and probably many more as I will be happy to pass on my experience to friends in their best interest.

Date of experience: 10 March 2023

Rated 1 out of 5 stars

They claim free cash ATM withdrawls…

They claim free cash ATM withdrawls everywhere, that is lie! I was in 3 countries and tried dozens of banks and ATMs and everything else, and there is always the 5% local fee, then some convesion e.e. and in some cases also additional carges present. So its not free as they write on their website. Secondly now they made all cards payed, GIRO costs 0.99€ per month, credit card 2.49€, basically they let you with a crappy Debit credit card which has become a bare minimum here in Germany for all banks. The banking app and interface are outdates and not easy to use, to make a transfer one has to have sim card and internet connection! so if you are in other country it might not work, and there are no benefits which make them attractive, also the score on Trust Pilot sucks!!!!! ing.Diba should be better????

Date of experience: 22 February 2023

Rated 1 out of 5 stars

My bank account has been blocked for…

My bank account has been blocked for weeks now on my app. I didn't receive some mail on time to unblock it through TAN2Go and is therefore still blocked.
At this point, I just want to unblock it so I can close this bank account...

Date of experience: 31 January 2023

Rated 1 out of 5 stars

Don’t waste your time with this bank

Apparently bank has problems. Simple service requests like how to the activate debit card stays w/o response for weeks and need repeated inquiries. More complex requests like questions about international transfers stay not answered up to a months. This is my first hand experience. Actually, BaFin shall cancel their bank license to protect customers from bad service and possibly money loss.

Date of experience: 28 January 2023

Rated 1 out of 5 stars

Nach 6 Jahren Kunde kam die Kündigung!

Nach 6 Jahren Kunde - KÃœNDIGUNG!
Niemals Konto überzogen.
Nutzung als Gehalts - und Geschäftskonto.
Warum die Kündigung?
Die Konditionen waren offensichtlich zu gut:
1. Keine Kontoführungsgebühren.
2. Kein Mindestgeldeingang.
3. Verwahrentgeld erst ab 100.000 Euro.
3. Vollwertige kostenlose Visa-Karte (nicht die jetzige abgespeckte Debitkarte).
4. Kostenlose EC-Karte.
Am 17.03.2022 kam dann das:
Kündigung der Geschäftsverbindung
...wir kündigen unter Bezugnahme auf Nr. 26 (1) unserer Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen die gesamte Geschäftsverbindung mit Ihnen zum 26.05.2022.
Zu diesem Stichtag werden wir das Girokonto mit der Nummer DE67 *** abrechnen.
Hinzu kommen bis zum 26.05.2022 ggf. Soll-/Überziehungs-/ Habenzinsen sowie ggf. noch Beträge aus anstehenden Kreditkartenabrechnungen.
Ãœberziehungen werden wir nicht zulassen.
Bitte tragen Sie dafür Sorge, dass Ihr Girokonto zum 26.05.2022 ausgeglichen ist.
Bitte drucken Sie sich rechtzeitig vor Ablauf des Kündigungstermins alle für Sie erforderlichen Kontoauszüge und Informationen aus dem Banking aus.
Reichen Sie bitte bis zum Kündigungsstichtag die Ihnen zur Verfügung gestellten Giro- und Kreditkarten zurück.
Im Anschluss daran werden wir Ihr Konto schließen. Dazu benennen Sie uns bitte eine inländische Bankverbindung.
Sollte das Konto zum 26.05.2022 einen Sollsaldo aufweisen, berechnen wir darauf Verzugszinsen in Höhe von 5 Prozentpunkte über dem Basiszinssatz.
Die Einleitung weiterer Schritte zur Geltendmachung unserer Forderung sowie die Geltendmachung eines weiteren Verzugsschadens und weiterer Kosten behalten wir uns vor.
Die Einschaltung eines Ombudsmannes, Widerspruch etc. war alles vergebens.
Gründe für die Kündigung wurden auch nach mehrmaliger Aufforderung nicht benannt.
Die DKB ist eine heruntergekommene Online-Bank, die nur noch ein Schatten ihrer selbst ist und sich Bestandskunden mit zu guten Konditionen per Kündigung entledigt.
Es gibt gute Alternativen, ohne Kontoführungsgebühren und Mindestgeldeingang, wie die Santander, VR Meine Bank, Openbank usw. Ja, sogar die schwedische Klarna ist besser und kann wie die Santander Echtzeitüberweisung.


After 6 years customer - TERMINATION!
Never overdrawn account.
Use as salary - and business account.
Why the termination?
The conditions were obviously too good:
1. no account maintenance fees.
2. no minimum deposit.
3. deposit fee only from 100,000 euros.
3. full-fledged free Visa card (not the current slimmed-down debit card).
4. free EC card.
Then on 03/17/2022 came this:
Termination of the business relationship
...we terminate the entire business relationship with you with reference to No. 26 (1) of our General Terms and Conditions as of 26.05.2022.
On this date, we will settle the current account with the number DE67 ***.
Any debit/overdraft/credit interest will be added to this until 26.05.2022, as well as any amounts from pending credit card settlements.
We will not allow overdrafts.
Please ensure that your checking account is balanced by 05/26/2022.
Please print out all account statements and banking information required for you well in advance of the termination date.
Please return any checking and credit cards provided to you by the termination date.
We will then close your account. For this purpose, please provide us with a domestic bank account.
If there is a debit balance on the account as of May 26, 2022, we will charge interest on this amount at a rate of 5 percentage points above the base interest rate.
We reserve the right to take further steps to enforce our claim and to claim further damages for default and further costs.
The involvement of an ombudsman, objection etc. was all in vain.
Reasons for the termination were not given even after repeated requests.
DKB is a run-down online bank that is only a shadow of its former self and gets rid of existing customers with too good conditions by giving notice.
There are good alternatives, without account management fees and minimum deposit, such as Santander, VR Meine Bank, Openbank, etc.. Yes, even the Swedish Klarna is better and can like the Santander real-time transfer.

Date of experience: 25 May 2022

Rated 1 out of 5 stars

Not to recommend!

Finally I got canceled that account. That bank doesn't justify the bank name. It's more of a toy box where they do with your money what they like. After 15 years good experience they became a scam recently.. No service at all. No recommendation at all unless u wanna get angry daily..

Date of experience: 02 January 2023

Rated 5 out of 5 stars

Best bank out there!!!!!

I have been withdrew DKB for now 10 years. Especially for traveling everywhere in the world the best bank I’ve dealt with!!!! The customer service is amazing! They send me my new card to my part time address in the states in less than a week. The apps are easy to understand. Problems have always been solved with the customer service.
I absolutely recommend DKB. And I love them even more since they offered debit cards instead of giro AND credit card. I am so so so happy and would never change my bank even tho I now live in the states full time.
Sarah 31 from Germany.

Date of experience: 05 December 2022

Rated 2 out of 5 stars

Outdated interface and flawed app

Since this a direct bank, I was expecting something much more advanced and user friendly.
Internet banking interface seems very much outdated and would definitely use improvement. Mobile banking app is a bit better, but:
- functionality is very limited (e.g. investments cannot be done via app, app also doesn´t show account movements)
- you need two apps (one for mobile banking, other for TAN generation)
- it´s understandable that all transaction cannot be executed right away, but the app should show current disposable amount and shouldn´t amend it only after the payments have been processed - one never knows how much money is still available on the account, unless you don´t use the account for ca. 1 week
So unfortunately I decided to leave this bank. I didn´t have any issue with my account as such, but IB and MB are just not good enough. Hopefully this will be improved.

Date of experience: 18 November 2022

Rated 1 out of 5 stars

Banking equivalent of Ryanair

One of the worst experience as a client of a Banking institution. Here are the reasons:
1. Conditions of negative Interest rate are written in small print (other banks mentioned it in advertorial flyers).
2. Banking functions are needlessly distributed in two apps for overlapping functions.
3. Apps often do not load or perform an action. E.g. Money transfer to my another account (which I had to do in high volumes to escape negative interest) were falsely interpreted as overdraw (Kontoüberziehung) and hefty interest were deducted, although my account level fell below 5000 Euro
4. Apps are dysfunctional. After update, all the login data (including biometric login) were gone, and entirely new registration of Tan App was needed.
Overall operations are money grabbing. Banking equivalent of Ryanair

Date of experience: 21 October 2022

Rated 1 out of 5 stars

Find another bank - DKB will lose your transfers

DKB has lost 3 bank transfers coming into my account in the last 6 months. Each time, they have provided 0 assistance in finding the lost payment. I am still waiting for a payment that was deposited into my account on June 6. The issuing bank has provided all the correct information however DKB has provided no assistance, will not help me on the phone and has stopped responding to my messages - the issuing bank requires information from DKB to continue the investigation.
This payment is coming from a verified international business (as have the other 2 lost payments). And as an aside, I am self-employed so this is a huge loss of income.
In short - DO NOT BANK WITH DKB. They will NOT HELP YOU when there are any issues. Please don't make my mistake - Find another bank!

Date of experience: 05 October 2022

Rated 5 out of 5 stars

Friendly and helpful customer service

I have had two phone calls with DKB customer service, and both of them were extremely kind and helpful. I also appreciated that they took their time to explain to me some stuff that I could not understand because of my german. I felt really so happy afterward, decided to leave this comment without anyone asking me to do it. Thank you for your kindness!

Date of experience: 16 September 2022

Rated 1 out of 5 stars

Not good for foreigners

The bank is ok if to use it for salary etc, however as soon as you will need any confirmation of transaction, transactions history, or any other confirmation in English it is impossible to get it, and even in German language you cannot get a transaction confirmation. Other competitors have definitely much better offer. The mobile app is also not impressive, providing just very basic functionality. Also there is no option to send money to Revolut account, bank is just blocking the transaction, and person on the hotline says "it will work one day, but now transfers from debit card are not possible". Definitely will not recommend it for expats.

Date of experience: 12 September 2022

Rated 5 out of 5 stars

A really excellent online bank via the new all-in-one app!

I have banked with DKB since 2009 and have lived through its difficult transition to what it is now via the new blue background DKB app, a *really excellent* online bank! Interesting that I have not yet been told about this new app. I only found it when I changed phones and needed to add DKB onto my new phone. Having struggled for years to work with DKB all in German, I can now choose between German and English. It's no longer a trawl to click loads of menu options and faff about with TAN numbers to do anything or view my account. Everything is now really easy and simple to navigate around. The simple and clear new design is a real breath of fresh air. Note though that the default setting is to enable payments in retailers and ATMs in all countries which I was uncomfortable with and have now deselected all except European countries. United Kingdom appears not to be an option. I almost gave up on DKB at one stage a while back but now I would recommend it to anyone needing an online bank!!

Date of experience: 02 September 2022

Rated 1 out of 5 stars

Tan2go mysteriously broke for months

I was disconnected - tan2go app didnt work and could not access online banking. I had to request the letter over 5 times, it took over 3 months, and each time it did not work.

When I tried to request a new Start Password online, the contact details it showed were not mine, so clearly an issue with data. Eventually I got a NEW tan2go QR code that mysteriously worked. Until then I always got a "Fehler 9031" and "Fehler 9034" messages.

Every time I called, they acted like I was doing it wrong, and told me "next time you get the letter, call us so we can go through it with you" when I am pretty sure it was a technical error.

Sometimes I waited in a queue just to have them hang up. It's a good service until something goes wrong.

Date of experience: 11 August 2022

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