MIFCOM GmbH Reviews 2,142

TrustScore 4.5 out of 5


Computer Hardware Manufacturer

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Rated 2 out of 5 stars

TL;DR: There are big claims on the website about 30 day guarantees, and free shipping for returns, but in reality, the problems in customer service make this impossible to use. Avoid.

Full details:
I ordered a custom small form factor gaming PC. It took just under a week for the machine to be built and shipped, and it eventually arrived in Switzerland 12 days after it was originally ordered. A bit slower than promised, but not a disaster. Online order tracking did not work, but I did get updates from the customer support team when I asked.

Once it arrived, the machine did not boot. I raised a ticket and got a standard reply asking for video footage and further details. I recorded this and sent it, and heard nothing.

Continuing to hear nothing, and spending a lot of time booking callbacks, (which never happened) and sitting on the phone (and being hung up on by Mifcom's phone system, I spent the rest of that week trying to diagnose the problem myself, isolating it to either the graphics card or (less likely, the power supply). I updated my support ticket with these findings, and never heard back.

At the end of that week, with no reply from support, I realised I would have to cancel my order and get a refund under the guarantee. I sent off the cancellation form to the e-mail address listed on the form and on the website, and I heard nothing. If this had resulted in some reaction from support I would have been prepared to work with support to resolve the issue, rather than cancel the order, but with no communications, I could not take the risk that any guarantee or return window would expire.

5 days later, after chasing again through the contact form on the website, I finally got a reply from customer care saying that the return would be processed, and I should expect to have a mail from someone at Mifcom with the return instructions.

A further 3 days passed with no return instructions, and no call-backs from the mifcom team despite multiple attempts to call the team or book a call-back using the call-back form on the website. At this point, getting the computer back to Mifcom before the end of the 30 day return window was starting to look extremely difficult, so instead of waiting even longer for shipping details to arrive, I arranged my own shipping to send the computer back to Mifcom.

The computer is now at Mifcom's local DHL warehouse, they have been sent a collection note, but support say that they will not go and pick it up. I assume it will stay there until DHL send it back to me as Mifcom will not get the parcel cleared out of customs.

Justin, in their first line customer support team has made an effort to be responsive, but the overall communicatiobn has been not good enough, considering the guarantee and service is something that is sold as part of the experience.

Mifcom did get the computer out of customs, and quite quickly refunded to my credit card. As a result, I have upgraded this review from 1 star to 2 stars, as I am not out of pocket from the experience. They didn't actually tell me the refund had been processed, so I only discovered by checking my credit card.

As a result, my conclusion is pretty much unchanged, I have received answers from first line support, but no actual support for a computer that turned up and failed to boot. I can't imagine this would be different from anyone else and there are enough horror stories from this, and other reviews on the german language section of the site to suggest this is not a one-off. You will be fine if you have no problems, but I haven't seen any evidence of actual technical support in my exchanges with Mifcom, so treat with care.

Rated 3 out of 5 stars

So I do not really know who's at fault here be it DHL or MIFCOM themselves but since they are cooperating I'll give them(MIFCOM) benefit of the doubt (hence 3*). Ordered entire system from them, everything was running smoothly up until I was to recieve my packeges. Since it was multiple box ordered I kinda hoped I would recieve everything at the same time thinking they shipped everything at the same time( which by DHL they did) turns out you recieve one package each day so thus far I have recieved 2 of my 3 packeges. Really frustrated with how DHL handled things from their end and I expect MIFCOM to react as well since this is not going to paint the best Picture about them.

Rated 5 out of 5 stars

I got my pc on a great offer during black friday. It was shipped very quickly considering i live in Cyprus. The pc was packed very well and arrived intact. In the box they included all the extra connectors of the motherboard. The pc itself is build very well and cable management is top notch. I had a very good experience with Mifcom and i will be definitely buying again from them in the future.

Rated 5 out of 5 stars

So far everything has been great! Website is set up for beginners and enthusiasts alike. I was able to select from a variety of high end components offered at a fair price. I did a fair amount of shopping around and was warned by many that Mifcom is very pricey, etc. I did not get that impression and feel happy with my choice. Furthermore, it was a no brainer given their claim that the item would be configured and shipped to my door within 5 business days. Note, that this has been my experience so far with ordering the product and does not speak to the received quality of the goods. But my experience so far has certainly left a great impression!

Company details

  1. Computer Hardware Manufacturer


Written by the company

Der Name MIFCOM steht für persönlich konfigurierbare High-End PC Systeme und Notebooks. Doch was verbirgt sich noch alles dahinter? Für uns bedeutet MIFCOM,

  • stets den Anspruch an Individualität in technischer und handwerklicher Perfektion zu verfolgen,
  • einen erstklassigen Service zu bieten,
  • immer für unsere Kunden da zu sein,
  • und unsere Standards immer wieder selbst zu übertreffen.

Wir machen dabei keinen Unterschied zwischen einem günstigen Allround-PC für den Otto-Normalanwender oder einem wassergekühlten High-End Monster in der Preisklasse eines Kleinwagens. Du kannst Dich sicher bei uns aufgehoben fühlen, egal wie teuer Dein MIFCOM PC war: Auch über die Garantiezeit hinaus stehen wir Dir zur Seite, ganz nach dem Motto "Lebenslanger Support".

Mit dem klaren Bewusstsein, auf unserem Weg hin zu einer etablierten Marke innerhalb der riesigen IT-Welt noch einen weiten Weg vor uns zu haben, geht jeder MIFCOM-Mitarbeiter mit einem hohen Maß an Verantwortlichkeit und Motivation ans Werk. Das großartige Feedback unserer Kunden ist für unser Team dabei der treibende Motor.

Der Grundstein wurde im Jahre 2003 gelegt, wobei der Schwerpunkt des Unternehmens am Anfang noch auf dem reinen Vertrieb der fertigen Elektro- und IT-Produkte lag. Erst im Jahre 2005 wurde die Fertigung von Computersystemen als eine zusätzliche Sparte aufgenommen. Bereits bei den ersten PCs handelte es sich um hochwertige, handgefertigte Geräte im oberen Preissegment, die sich vor allem durch eine sehr hohe Rechen- und 3D-Leistung auszeichneten und einen guten Absatz bei anspruchsvollen Gamern und professionellen Usern fanden. Ab diesem Zeitpunkt wuchs unser Unternehmen kontinuierlich, bis es im Jahre 2008 – zeitgleich mit dem Umzug in eine größere Niederlassung in Ottobrunn bei München – in die MIFCOM GmbH umfirmiert wurde. Im Herbst 2011 folgte dank stetigen Wachstums schließlich der Umzug an den aktuellen Unternehmensstandort in der Neumarkter Straße im Osten von München.

Inzwischen zählt die MIFCOM GmbH mit ihrem PC Online-Shop zu den festen Größen in dem Bereich High-End-PC-Systeme – nicht zuletzt dank der über Jahre hinweg gesammelten Erfahrung und Partnerschaften mit den größten Hard- & Softwareherstellern. Aber auch abseits des High-End Bereichs können sich die Angebote von MIFCOM sehen lassen. Hochwertige Office- und Mini-PCs sowie Home Theater- und Silent PCs erfreuen sich einer großen Beliebtheit. Sonderbestellungen, persönliche Konfigurationen und Aufrüstungen sind dabei in jedem Segment möglich, was von den Kunden hoch geschätzt wird.

Alle PC-Serien, die in unserem Online Shop vorgestellt werden, werden komplett im eigenen Hause entwickelt und von Hand gefertigt, wobei immer ein besonderer Wert auf Qualität und Leistung gelegt wird. Alle Komponenten stammen von namhaften Herstellern und werden immer sehr sorgfältig ausgewählt und ausgiebig auf Kompatibilität sowie Stabilität geprüft.


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Rated 2 out of 5 stars

Computer did not work, no evidence of actual technical support despite a lot of effort to contact and try and help, so successfully (if painfully) got a refund.

TL;DR: There are big claims on the website about 30 day guarantees, and free shipping for returns, but in reality, the problems in customer service make this impossible to use. Avoid.

Full details:
I ordered a custom small form factor gaming PC. It took just under a week for the machine to be built and shipped, and it eventually arrived in Switzerland 12 days after it was originally ordered. A bit slower than promised, but not a disaster. Online order tracking did not work, but I did get updates from the customer support team when I asked.

Once it arrived, the machine did not boot. I raised a ticket and got a standard reply asking for video footage and further details. I recorded this and sent it, and heard nothing.

Continuing to hear nothing, and spending a lot of time booking callbacks, (which never happened) and sitting on the phone (and being hung up on by Mifcom's phone system, I spent the rest of that week trying to diagnose the problem myself, isolating it to either the graphics card or (less likely, the power supply). I updated my support ticket with these findings, and never heard back.

At the end of that week, with no reply from support, I realised I would have to cancel my order and get a refund under the guarantee. I sent off the cancellation form to the e-mail address listed on the form and on the website, and I heard nothing. If this had resulted in some reaction from support I would have been prepared to work with support to resolve the issue, rather than cancel the order, but with no communications, I could not take the risk that any guarantee or return window would expire.

5 days later, after chasing again through the contact form on the website, I finally got a reply from customer care saying that the return would be processed, and I should expect to have a mail from someone at Mifcom with the return instructions.

A further 3 days passed with no return instructions, and no call-backs from the mifcom team despite multiple attempts to call the team or book a call-back using the call-back form on the website. At this point, getting the computer back to Mifcom before the end of the 30 day return window was starting to look extremely difficult, so instead of waiting even longer for shipping details to arrive, I arranged my own shipping to send the computer back to Mifcom.

The computer is now at Mifcom's local DHL warehouse, they have been sent a collection note, but support say that they will not go and pick it up. I assume it will stay there until DHL send it back to me as Mifcom will not get the parcel cleared out of customs.

Justin, in their first line customer support team has made an effort to be responsive, but the overall communicatiobn has been not good enough, considering the guarantee and service is something that is sold as part of the experience.

Mifcom did get the computer out of customs, and quite quickly refunded to my credit card. As a result, I have upgraded this review from 1 star to 2 stars, as I am not out of pocket from the experience. They didn't actually tell me the refund had been processed, so I only discovered by checking my credit card.

As a result, my conclusion is pretty much unchanged, I have received answers from first line support, but no actual support for a computer that turned up and failed to boot. I can't imagine this would be different from anyone else and there are enough horror stories from this, and other reviews on the german language section of the site to suggest this is not a one-off. You will be fine if you have no problems, but I haven't seen any evidence of actual technical support in my exchanges with Mifcom, so treat with care.

Date of experience: 31 October 2024

Rated 3 out of 5 stars

So I do not really know who's at fault…

So I do not really know who's at fault here be it DHL or MIFCOM themselves but since they are cooperating I'll give them(MIFCOM) benefit of the doubt (hence 3*). Ordered entire system from them, everything was running smoothly up until I was to recieve my packeges. Since it was multiple box ordered I kinda hoped I would recieve everything at the same time thinking they shipped everything at the same time( which by DHL they did) turns out you recieve one package each day so thus far I have recieved 2 of my 3 packeges. Really frustrated with how DHL handled things from their end and I expect MIFCOM to react as well since this is not going to paint the best Picture about them.

Date of experience: 31 July 2024

Rated 5 out of 5 stars

Mifcom Order Review

So far everything has been great! Website is set up for beginners and enthusiasts alike. I was able to select from a variety of high end components offered at a fair price. I did a fair amount of shopping around and was warned by many that Mifcom is very pricey, etc. I did not get that impression and feel happy with my choice. Furthermore, it was a no brainer given their claim that the item would be configured and shipped to my door within 5 business days. Note, that this has been my experience so far with ordering the product and does not speak to the received quality of the goods. But my experience so far has certainly left a great impression!

Date of experience: 25 July 2024

Rated 5 out of 5 stars


First time i tried Mifcom and i was super happy, support was very helpful and kind both times i was in touch with them. I bought a full pc system for 4k and Mifcom build and sent everything to me within 3 days, and i live in France!

5 Stars!

Also i had to change something on my order and it was just one quick call and they made it happen

Date of experience: 07 June 2024

Rated 3 out of 5 stars

price gpu

the pc parts are great and fair but the prices of the gpus are just too much a 4070 ti super for over 1k is too much and the others are the same besides the gpu prices everything is great a little tip just build the pc without a gpu and buy one yourself its way cheaper

Date of experience: 02 April 2024

Rated 5 out of 5 stars

Quality and performance top notch, slight cable issue tho

Ordered the PC from them and it arrived within the time shown on the page (roughly 10 days), which is totally respectable. The PC is built well, all the parts that i chose have indeed been installed correctly and there is even an option to get all the boxes of the parts sent to you with the PC. I would love to give 5 stars, as the PC has been working amazing for the past 2 weeks now, playing heavy games with temps being low, however, some of the component's RGB does not seem to be plugged in and therefore they cannot be detected by none of the softwares nor are they lighting up in general. The fans are spinning and the parts are working, but the lights are not turning on sadly. I have contacted them about it but still waiting for a response, if we manage to get it fixed without any issues, I will be more than happy to add that last star to this review as I truly think it deserves it, performance-wise everything is perfect, it's just that little RGB incident.

Edit: It took a little bit to reach the tech team but with a little bit of patience, we managed to get the issue fixed. Turns out that ARGB cable has plugged out a tiny bit during transport, did not fall out completely but just enough for it to cut the power to the motherboard and not register the fans. The agent helping me with the issue was very kind and assured me that my warranty would remain valid and it's safe for me to open the PC and check the cables to make sure everything is plugged in and that's how we found the issue. 10/10 would recommend, you do need to be a little patient for their response tho. As promised, upping the review from 4 up to 5 stars, as it's not something that could have been avoided, anything can happen in transport and they were very kind and professional in the process of finding the solution!

Date of experience: 01 March 2024

Rated 5 out of 5 stars

Mifcom it's just the best PC Factory…

Mifcom it's maybe the best PC Factory in Europe 👍 They are just Awesome in everything. I'm a PC pro player and streamer and after I start buying products from Mifcom I don't want any other. Just a small thing, they give us " Clients " long life support. If you buy a PC on Mifcom they will support you even after the Guaranteed time 😉👍 No One do it this days. Big Huge from happy Client

Date of experience: 01 February 2024

Rated 5 out of 5 stars

Wide range of articles for user-friendly customization of rig

Modern and easy to navigate webpage, with a wide range of articles to either directly buy or to customize builds as desired. The customization has the helpful feature to check chosen parts for compatibility. The receipt of my customized PC took a bit longer than originally indicated (arrival time ~1 week longer) but the delivery was hassle-free and the rig looks and works flawlessly. I'm satisfied with having chosen MIFCOM and give it a thumbs up!

Date of experience: 06 January 2024

Rated 5 out of 5 stars

Great service

MIFCOM has very flexible configurator that help to build PC for everything. I bought PC for gaming and I really happy about the result. Smooth process, delivery on time, safe package. Thanks!

Date of experience: 03 November 2023

Rated 5 out of 5 stars

I recently had the pleasure of…

I recently had the pleasure of purchasing a custom-built PC from MIFCOM, and I must say, the entire experience was outstanding. The team at MIFCOM not only provided a top-tier, tailor-made PC but also went above and beyond to meet my specific requirements.

Here's a closer look at my customized MIFCOM PC R266386:

Case (Fractal Design Define 7): The Fractal Design Define 7 is not just a great-looking case, but it's also soundproofed.

CPU (Intel Core i7-13700KF): The Intel Core i7-13700KF, with its 8 cores and 3.40 GHz base clock, delivers exceptional performance.

Motherboard (MSI B660 Tomahawk WiFi): The MSI B660 Tomahawk WiFi offers excellent connectivity options and support for DDR4 memory, ensuring a smooth and responsive computing experience.

GPU (NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4070 12GB | Palit GamingPro): The NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4070, a powerful graphics card, enables me to enjoy the latest games and handle graphics-intensive tasks with ease.

RAM (Corsair Vengeance): With 16GB of DDR4-3200 RAM, I can efficiently multitask and run multiple applications simultaneously.

Storage Configuration: I already owned a Samsung 970 EVO NVMe M.2 2 TB SSD, which I wanted to use as the primary drive for the operating system and frequently used applications. The speed and responsiveness of the SSD for these tasks are exceptional. MIFCOM not only accommodated my request but also went a step further by configuring the 2TB Seagate BarraCuda HDD as a secondary drive for storage. This thoughtful customization optimizes the overall performance of the system while guaranteeing that I have ample space for my data, files, and less frequently accessed applications.

Power Supply (be quiet! Straight Power 12): The 750W be quiet! Straight Power 12 PSU provides ample power for the system and its 80Plus Platinum certification ensures efficiency and reliability.

Cooling Solution: MIFCOM equipped my PC with Noctua cooling solutions, including the Noctua NH-U12A chromax black CPU cooler and seven 120mm NF-A12x25 PWM chromax black swap fans, ensuring that my system remains cool and quiet even during intensive tasks.

Service and Warranty: MIFCOM's three-year warranty, including Pick-Up & Return service, technical hotline, and email support, offers peace of mind and reinforces their commitment to customer satisfaction.

As an IT Service Technician, I certainly have the skills to build my own PC, and I understand the cost-saving potential of a DIY approach. However, my experience with MIFCOM has convinced me that the value they provide is well worth the investment.

Managing an entire company's IT infrastructure can be a demanding task, and I appreciate that my time outside of work is precious. I don't want to spend my free time building and upgrading a personal PC when I can rely on MIFCOM's expertise and professionalism.

MIFCOM's dedication to providing great support and care in their builds is truly commendable. Their attention to detail, customization options, and commitment to customer satisfaction make them a reliable choice. The peace of mind that comes with their high-quality components, optimized configurations, and warranty package is invaluable, especially for someone in my position. I couldn't be happier with my purchase, and I highly recommend MIFCOM to anyone in search of a custom-built PC that combines power, aesthetics, and a strong customer-oriented approach.

Date of experience: 18 October 2023

Rated 5 out of 5 stars

Friendly service, great prices

Mifcom was very helpful when I asked a few questions before even ordering. There was an issue during payment, but someone was quickly in contact with me to resolve this.

The gaming PC that I bought was reasonably priced and good value for money. Ordering was a tad bit complicated because of all of the customization you are able to do. The configuration check is very helpful as I had configured a PC that was not functional, but it told me which components so it was an easy fix. Shipping wasn't too bad, not too fast, but not slow. The PC was very well packaged and had easy to understand instructions when unboxing and setting up. They even sent me the spare parts from each component that wasn't needed. I have already recommended Mifcom to multiple friends.

I'll definitely be buying from them again.

Date of experience: 18 April 2023

MIFCOM GmbH logo

Reply from MIFCOM GmbH

Thank you for your recommendation!

Your MIFCOM Team

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