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Company details

  1. Pension Fund
  2. Insurance Company

Information provided by various external sources

PFA er et pensionsselskab, men vi er meget mere end det. Udover pension og forsikring tilbyder vi i dag også opsparing for privatkunder og en række løsninger inden for blandt andet sundhed og boliger. Vi er ejet af vores kunder, og vi blev stiftet i 1917 for at sikre danskerne frihed til at leve det liv, de ønsker. Det er derfor en del af vores DNA at bidrage til en positiv samfundsudvikling. I dag har vi mere end 1,2 millioner kunder, og vi arbejder hårdt hver eneste dag for at leve op til vores kundeløfte: Mere til dig.

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TrustScore 1.5 out of 5

470 reviews


Replied to 96% of negative reviews

Typically replies within 48 hours

Rated 1 out of 5 stars

Aloof and uncaring support

If you have no flexibility nor care, then what's the point of a private health insurance? I could get the same treatment in the public sector.

Date of experience: 06 March 2025

PFA logo

Reply from PFA

Dear Balázs,

Thank you for your review. However, we are not quite sure what your question refers to. In 2024 alone, we have helped over 143.000 of our customers receive help through their Health insurance.

We offer help with minor injuries, in cases of failure to thrive or in case of more extensive illness and provide the possibility of quick examination and treatment. We also focus on early and preventive measures so that we can intervene before our customers fall ill.

An example of this could be how we ensure timely treatment for thousands of our customers through af combination of medical advice and approval of examinations and operations at private hospitals as well as treatments by psychologists, physiotherapists, chiropractors etc.

Please give us a call at 70 12 50 00 or write to us at if you have any questions regarding your pension og insurance plans with us.

Best regards,

Rated 1 out of 5 stars

"Mit PFA" doesn't work no matter which…

"Mit PFA" doesn't work no matter which browser I use (I've tried 3 different browsers on 2 different devices!). THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE!

Date of experience: 16 November 2024

PFA logo

Reply from PFA

Dear Martin,

Thank you for the review, and we are sorry to hear that you have had issues logging on to

We have not had any general issues with the platform, and we hope that you have been able to log on since your review. If you continue to have problems or have problems in the future, please call us at 70 12 50 00, and our advisors will be able to help answer your questions and hopefully solve the problem immediately.

Best regards,

Rated 1 out of 5 stars

Avoid like a plague. Don't let your employer choose this for you.

Worst company ever. Customer service agents are slow and unhelpful. Often times they don't bother responding. When they do respond, they are arrogant and think they are smarter than the customer.

Even my complaint on their website had no response. This company is a shame to Denmark.

Date of experience: 15 November 2024

PFA logo

Reply from PFA

Dear Maurice,

Thank you for the review, and we are sorry to hear about your experience.

We have not been able to find you as a customer through your name on the review, and we also cannot find a complaint from you from our site.

We are not allowed to comment or handle a case directly on Trustpilot because of regulations on personal data, however, we hope that you will contact us (also if you would like to complain) and share your experience with us - see this site for more information:

Best regards,

Rated 1 out of 5 stars

awful company

awful company, extremely expensive.
a big shame for the people of denmark

Date of experience: 25 April 2024

PFA logo

Reply from PFA

Dear Adam,

We are sorry to read your reviews. PFA ranks among the most cost efficient on the Danish market when it comes to administration of pension plans, and therefore we also offer some of the lowest expenses and prices. We strive for complete openness and transparency with regard to the expenses the customers pay, and you can read more on this site:

If you want to share a particular customer experience with us, we would very much like to hear from your - see how you can contact us regarding customer feedback on this page:

Best regards,

Rated 1 out of 5 stars

My experience wasn't good with them…

My experience wasn't good with them because my payouts has been delayed for several weeks now and i have reached out to their support they've not been doing anything to it. I'm using Income Chãmpion and i don't experience such with them because they're very fast and more reliable to invest with them. I'd recommend them for everyone.

Date of experience: 03 January 2024

PFA logo

Reply from PFA

Dear Helen,

Thank you for your review, and we are sorry to hear that payouts have been delayed. Due to regulations regarding personal data, we are not allowed to discuss personal cases here on Trustpilot, but we are of course interested in hearing more about your experience.

If you feel that our customer support is unable to help you moving forward, please feel free to share your experience with our customer representatives. You can find more info on how to do that on this site:

Best regards,

Rated 1 out of 5 stars

I have extreme pain in my knees (9/10)…

I have extreme pain in my knees (9/10) which makes it extremely difficult to walk, not to mention do any physical activity. I called PFA asking them to help me find a hospital or doctor that can help me. They said they can not help me in this matter, because it’s not life threatening. I told them that I can no longer live like this, with this type of pain. The guy on the phone suggested that I should just kill myself then, because they will not help me to fix my knees so that I can walk and have a normal pain free life. I asked if this is really what he recommended, seriously, because I was shocked, and he said yes, he is ok with this response, this is PFAs decision and I should just end my life because that’s the only way to fix this problem. I could not believe this response from a private insurance that I pay every month, and from a person completely cold and heartless recommending suicide instead of treatment? I guess looking at 80% 1 star ratings I am not the only person with bad experience, but this is kind of response should be unacceptable and legal action should be taken against this company that would rather recommend suicide then a doctor that could help. So I have a choice to consider now. Do I take the advice of PFA and kill myself or find a lawyer and hold this shameful company responsible for suggesting suicide instead of helping with my painful injury.

Date of experience: 08 December 2023

PFA logo

Reply from PFA

Dear Vadim,

Thank you for your review. This type of language or advice is not something that we recognize from our employees, and we would very much like to look into the matter.

We are not allowed to discuss cases in personal detail via Trustpilot due to personal data regulations, but we hope that you will take the time to contact our Customer Representatives who can look into your case - you can find contact information here:

Best regards,

Rated 1 out of 5 stars

Never reply to message request for payout

First of all, before my last working day in Denmark, I called PFA, the person who answered my phone told me to submit a message request and immediately call PFA after my last working day to get a "Withdrawal Form" if I want to payout/cash out all my pension with 60% tax.

So I submitted a request Reference Number 2706187 and I called on November 02 2023. Then the lady who answered my call told me that I need to cancel my insurance first before I could do anything at all. Then I had to submit another PFA message request, and wait till December 01 2023.

Now I summited another message request Reference number 2795559 to withdraw/payout my on December 02 2023. The automatic reply said they'll reply in 4 days. Oh wow, and now it's been 4 days and they don't even reply.

BTW, they didn't reply to my original request message on Nov 02 2023, they should've told me to cancel the insurance ASAP, but their employees are either unaware of their company's own policies and procedures, or intellectually not competent or capable of handling their own jobs!!!!!

What a joke. Now I need the pension fund to pay my tuition and fees and living expense here.

Is this how you treat your customers? Especially when they left Denmark so you think you can hold their money forever without doing what your customers ask you to do? You ignored 2 f***ing reference numbers of my requests!!!!! This is how you do business in Denmark?

Date of experience: 07 December 2023

PFA logo

Reply from PFA

Dear Nade,

Thank you for your review. We are, of course, very sad to hear about your experience, and no, this is not how we want to treat our customers.

We hope that your issue has been resolved - if not, we hope that you can give us a call at +45 70 12 50 00, and we will give you a status right away.

If you feel that there is a standstill, or just generally would like someone else to view your case, please feel free to contact our Customer Representatives who will gladly see if they can help - you can find more info and contact info her:

Best regards,

Rated 1 out of 5 stars

You will not get any help with this insurance. You will just waste time of your life, get stress and frustration.

I got an appointment with a psychiatrist via a phone call. A name of a doctor and a region was the only information I was given. Nobody sent me any detailed information, no address, no full name of a doctor.
A waiting time was one month. The day of the appointment I called to PFA to get details about the doctor and a place. I was waiting on a call for more then two hours... None picked up the phone. I've sent a message via website. No response ... At the end I didn't go anywhere ....

Overall, all together I've spent around 8 hours just trying to get medical help that I need. It looks to me that it's made in a way that you will give up receiving anything from PFA. I'm considering to change my insurance company

Date of experience: 16 August 2023

PFA logo

Reply from PFA

Dear Alina,

Thank you for your review, although we are of course sad to hear about your experience. We are not allowed to follow up on cases via Trustpilot due to regulations on personal data. However, we are of course interested in following up and providing you with an explanation and answers to the situations you describe above. If you are interested in this, please give us a call again at 70 12 50 00, or you are also welcome to contact our Customer Representatives - find contact info here under 'Your customer experience with PFA':

Best regards,

Rated 1 out of 5 stars

Absolutely rubbish !

0 start if I could. There’s absolutely no response at all. Waiting on calls for hours without any answer.

Date of experience: 30 May 2023

PFA logo

Reply from PFA

Hi Umair,

We are sorry to hear that you are not able to get in contact with us. You are always welcome to call us within our opening hours and in the menu you can choose to either wait for the next available advisor or to have an advisor call you back - we will always call back on the same day. Again, we apologize for your experience with us, and hope that you will try to contact us again.

Best regards,

Rated 1 out of 5 stars

Drop them, as fast as you can.

First they tell me to wait 3 months, then they say I ll pay taxes ( fine by me), and then they take 2000 kr for a "fee".
Tell me, do you write your mails with the golden tears of virgins or is it simply because you consider OUR money, yours? I get you need capital ( ours) to do your things and investments, but to take 2000rk on a 10000 kr amount ( minus 60% taxes) is morally corrupted, unethical, and says a lot about why employeers chose you.
You do not have the employees wellfare in mind.

Oh, and of course, none was agreed before hand, nothing was signed, it was not even mentionned.


Date of experience: 12 July 2022

PFA logo

Reply from PFA

Dear Lili

I regret to learn that you have had a negative experience with PFA.

Based on your information, I understand that you have decided to withdraw your savings prematurely. According to the tax rules, your payout will then be subject to a 60 % tax, which you also mention. In addition, we charge a standard fee of DKK 1,895 for the transaction. The fee is deducted from the payout before tax, which means that the amount you end up paying is actually lower – approximately DKK 760 and not DKK 1,895. I can add that PFA’s fees are in line with other providers in the industry and that the fees cover the costs of processing your case resulting from the changes of agreement that the payout involves.

The above-mentioned is subject to reservations, as my knowledge of your situation is limited to the few lines in your review. If you want a more detailed reply, I recommend that you call us so that we can look you up in our database and ensure that we have the correct information.

Best regards/Soren

Rated 2 out of 5 stars

They are incredibly slow to respond

They are incredibly slow to respond to messages/enquiries. The last time I sent them a question (asking why the pension payments from my employer are not showing up in mitpfa) they took 10 days to respond. And the response was "we'll pass on this enquiry to the right department"!
10 days to pass on the message!
It's fairly important for me to know that the money isn't going missing somehow, and yet I am expecting another pay day to go by without getting an answer.

Updated: how come PFA have staff with enough time to write polite responses here on Trustpilot, but not enough to answer my enquiry on mitpfa?
I don't see why I should have to call you in order to get a response. I have made you aware of my issue via a communication channel you provide - I shouldn't need to call you as well, you should be calling or emailing me with an answer.

Date of experience: 18 May 2022

PFA logo

Reply from PFA

Dear Chris,

Thanks for the review, and we understand your frustration. The response time that you mention is of course not what we aim for. We hope that you will take the time to call us instead (number is: +45 70 12 50 00) within our opening hours, and we will be able to answer any questions that you have regarding your pension payments right away - you can find our opening hours and contact info here:

Best regards,

Rated 1 out of 5 stars

They are terrible to work with

They are terrible to work with. They never respond on email. When you call them in working hrs than it take hrs to get hold of somebody. I am defintely going to complain about this to my company.

I have called 4 times last monday nobody picked calls, I sent mail through mit PFA noby replied for last 5 days. I submitted Policy change request 3 months back, still no response. I have proofs but still you dare to put such comment below without verifying details. What a service!

Date of experience: 02 May 2022

PFA logo

Reply from PFA

Dear Anshuman,

Thanks for your review, although we are of course disappointed to hear about your experience here in PFA. Of course, it should not take hours to get a hold of us. We are available on our phones (+45 70 12 50 00) in our opening hours, and typically answer right away or have very short waiting times. We also respond to messages sent to us via our platform Mit PFA (not by email, because this is not a secure communications platform).

If you would still would like to complain about your customer experience with us, please reach out to our customer representative via this form:

Best regards,

Rated 1 out of 5 stars

Worst insurance company ever!!

Worst insurance company ever!!! We chosen PFA, as a guarantee, that,if we get sicness, if we can not work, that PFA will help. More than 3 years, how we are not able to work and are totally ignored by Peter from PFA. He does not answer to our mails, he ignores our calls. Visibly he tries to use as much time as possible. We pay membership many years, but get 0 help. They do not even to any of our mails, on telephone, secretary promisse to call back, no one calls back, 3 years already! terrible service. What can take to behandle sagen 3 years? Never ever choose this CHETERS insurance. 0 help, 0 respect, 0 money. They take membership money, but they do not give any help.
Will inform all the possible institutions about this illegal behaviour and hope their cheating company will not be able to cheat anymore.
They also do not answer to the complain.
Terrible. Shame on you PFA, skameon you Peter!!!!

Date of experience: 10 January 2022

PFA logo

Reply from PFA

Hi MegaV Aps

We are sorry to hear about your experience with PFA. Unfortunately, we are not allowed to go into specific details concerning your case here on Trustpilot, but we will instead contact you directly with an explanation and status regarding your case.

Best regards,

Rated 4 out of 5 stars

Great yield...

Quick answer of phones.

First 6 months of 2021 PFA have managed a 12% yield. That is excellent.

Only thing that pulls a bit down are their insurance, which should be voluntary☹ with the package.

Thanks PFA.

Date of experience: 17 June 2021

PFA logo

Reply from PFA

Hi Martin,

Thank you so much for your review. We are really glad that you are happy with our yield and with our service. We will take note of your comment about our insurance products. Thanks again and have a great day.

Best regards,

Rated 1 out of 5 stars

"Our costs have been higher than your savings, which is why you no longer have savings with PFA."

2 years ago I had 3000 DKK with PFA. When I asked for it to get it paid I receive this message after 3 weeks waiting:
"Our costs have been higher than your savings, which is why you no longer have savings with PFA."
They basically stole my savings.

Date of experience: 02 December 2020

PFA logo

Reply from PFA

Dear Martin,

Thank you for your review. We understand your frustration, but as is the case with basically all pension companies in Denmark, we charge an annual expense for administrating pension plans.

However, PFA ranks among the most cost efficient on the market when it comes to administration of pension plans. Therefore, PFA also charges some of the lowest expenses and prices. PFA strives for complete openness and transparency with regard to the expenses the customers pay, and you can see all expenses and prices on this site:

For 2020, the annual expense for administrating a PFA Plus pension plan is 756 DKK.

Best regards,

Rated 1 out of 5 stars

PFA health insurance discrimination

PFA health insurance - discrimination. Change your insurance company if you are a foreigner.

I have severe mental illness after giving birth to my baby and need quick treatment, which is strongly recommended by my GP and hospital. Contacted PFA many times. They have been pushing me around without giving any valid reason but making advantages of me not understanding Danish. First few times I was pushed between different sectors. When I ask which statement in the contract the decision was based on, they just read some PFA reserved right but very distorted because I cannot translate Danish that fast. And they refused to repeat their reasons when I ask if I can record the call. It has been weeks wasted and I am not getting any help from PFA but prolonging my waiting time and worsening my mental state. We are paying PFA health insurance for nothing but discrimination. Their sttaffs are so arrogant to tell me go to appeal after dodging the case 5 times. Aren't we paying PFA for quick treatment as documented in the contract? They are wasting my time which is very critical and even fatal to a mentally troubled patient. WORST insurance!

Date of experience: 15 May 2020

PFA logo

Reply from PFA

Dear YC,

Thank you for your review. Unfortunately, we cannot comment on cases via Trustpilot due to regulations on personal data. However, if you are not satisfied with the handling of your case, we strongly encourage you to file an official complaint through our website:

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