Published 2012 | Version v1
Journal article

Reconstructing the primary energy of cosmic rays from the S(500) observable recorded by the KASCADE-Grande detector

  • 1. Karlsruher Institut fuer Technologie (KIT), Karlsruhe (Germany)
  • 2. National Institute for Physics and Nuclear Engineering - Horia Hulubei, Bucharest - Magurele (Romania)


The KASCADE-Grande detector hosted by the KIT Campus North Karlsruhe, Germany, is designed to record air showers in the 1016-1018 eV energy range. The primary energy spectrum of cosmic rays as reconstructed by KASCADE-Grande based on the Nμ-Nch correlation has been recently published. We present results of an alternative technique that is applied to the KASCADE-Grande data in order to reconstruct the primary energy. In the described method we use the charged particle density at 500 m from the shower axis, S(500) as a primary energy estimator practically independent from the primary mass. We account for the attenuation of S(500) in the atmosphere by applying the constant intensity cut method. With the help of a simulation-derived calibration curve we convert the recorded S(500) to energy. The final result is discussed in comparison with the recent results published by KASCADE-Grande.

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Publishing Information

Journal Title
Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft
Journal Issue
Goettingen 2012 issue
Journal Series
Also available as printed version: Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft v. 47(1)
Journal Page Range
[1 p.]


2012 DPG Spring meeting with the divisions of gravitation and theory of relativity, particle physics, theoretical and mathematical fundamentals of the physics
Original Conference Title
DPG-Fruehjahrstagung 2012 der Fachverbaende Gravitation und Relativitaetstheorie, Teilchenphysik, Theoretische und Mathematische Grundlagen der Physik
27 Feb - 2 Mar 2012
Goettingen (Germany)


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