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International Partnerships


Grenada is a middle-income tri-island state located in the Eastern Caribbean. It has a young population of 126 000, with about 40% under the age of 25. Grenada ranks high in the United Nations Human Development Index (UNHDI) and its economy has evolved over the last 40 years, moving from agriculture to service industries. However, the country remains vulnerable to natural hazards and shifts in the global economy.

Our partnership

The EU supports Grenada towards sustainable and inclusive development, in line with the Global Gateway Strategy.

For the Caribbean, the EU-Organisation of African, Caribbean, Pacific States (OACPS) Partnership Agreement sets out the objectives of the Caribbean-EU partnership. The EU support focuses on improving environmental sustainability and climate resilience; transitioning to a sustainable and diversified economy that supports decent jobs and growth, and promotes trade and investment; enhancing good governance, and building inclusive and secure societies where institutions are accountable, and no one is left behind.

These objectives are taken forward in three Caribbean-EU partnerships focusing on: (1) the Green Deal, (2) economic resilience and trade, (3) governance, security and human development.

The EU adopted a Multiannual Indicative Programme for the period 2021-27 under the Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument (NDICI-Global Europe). Under that framework, the EU allocated € 208 for the Caribbean region.

Our flagship initiatives

The Global Gateway Investment Agenda for Grenada addresses the sub-region's infrastructure needs, mainly in the following areas:

  • Climate and energy:
    • Transition to renewable energy by fostering investments in solar, wind, geothermal and green hydrogen technology.
    • Reduce the chronic water shortages and improve wastewater systems with a combination of research, innovation, technology transfer, policy development, risk protection, seed fund and bigger infrastructure projects.
    • Mitigating or adapting to the impacts of climate change (green finance and sustainable finance).
    • Supporting Caribbean biodiversity and fighting ocean pollution
    • Turn Sargassum algae from a threat to an economic opportunity (e.g. biofuel, water purification, agriculture)


  • Transport:
    • Improve maritime connectivity in the Caribbean to foster regional integration, economic growth and food security.


  • Health
    • Health systems resilience and the digital transformation of health facilities