New Caledonia, a French OCT with 271 030 residents in (2021), covers 18 576 km² with an Exclusive Economic Zone of 1.45 million km², placing it among the giants of the South Pacific. It is composed of five archipelagos and divided into 3 provinces. Its economic development was stimulated by nickel, transfers from the metropolis, fishing and tourism.
Our priorities
Current cooperation between the EU and the Pacific OCTs is centred around the 2021 Overseas Association Decision (DAOG), which focuses on sustainable development.
During the 2014-2020 programming, the EU allocated €30.45 million to employment and integration, supporting the integration of those furthest from the labour market and supporting companies in their planning and training.
From 2021 to 2027, a budget of €30.9 million is planned for the energy transition. New Caledonia, having embarked on this transition, is adopting an energy strategy in line with the Paris Agreement and the Green Deal focused on decarbonisation, green mobility and energy efficiency.
In addition, the Territory will benefit from the Multiannual Indicative Programme (MIP) 2021-2027 for the Pacific OCTs. The latter aims to green and blue food systems, promoting food autonomy, ecological restoration, diversification of production, circular economy and universal access to healthy food.
Our impact
The results of the 2014-2020 programming highlighted the main objectives in the employment and professional integration sector, including the implementation of an information exchange and liaison network application for employment and training, as well as the structuring of the Information Integration, Training and Employment Network (RIIFE).
Finally, the number of certifications related to the needs of professionals is constantly evolving. The reform of work-study programmes has been completed, making it possible to develop this training modality quantitatively and qualitatively.
Our programmes
- 11th EDF 2014-2020: this territorial programme supported the 'employment and professional integration' sector for an amount of €30.45 million.
- DAOG Multiannual Financial Framework 2021-2027: The budget of €30.9 million aims to support the energy transition sector in New Caledonia.
- Regional programmes:
- Pacific Regional Territorial Project for Sustainable Ecosystem Management (PROTEGE) promotes sustainable and climate-resilient economic development by leveraging biodiversity and renewable natural resources. It is implemented by the Pacific Community (SPC) in the 3 French OCTs of the Pacific (New Caledonia, French Polynesia and Wallis & Futuna) as well as in the former British OCT of Pitcairn. PROTEGE is financed to the tune of €36 million and benefits from co-financing from the 3 French territories of €128,000. The project, which started in 2018, will be completed by the end of September 2024.
- The 'BEST 2.0 & 2.0+' programme aims at the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity and ecosystem services in the OCTs. This programme is part of the B4Life initiative. 8 New Caledonian projects were winners of the 2020 call for projects. These 8 projects deal with topics related to the themes of the sea, adaptation to climate change, biodiversity and the promotion of local culture.
- The 'Green Overseas – GO' programme (€17.8 million) covers all OCTs and aims to accelerate the energy transition and increase the resilience of beneficiary countries and territories to climate change. The programme started in 2020 for a period of 5 years and is run up by Expertise France. The choice of the project should include an action by theme, possibly on transport and risk management.
- The FALAH (Family farming, lifestyle and health) project, part of the European Horizon Europe programme, is a multidisciplinary research project led by the University of New Caledonia. In the context of rapid social and economic transitions and climate change, this project focuses on family farming, food, lifestyle and health of the populations of the South Pacific islands: New Caledonia, Fiji, Solomon Islands and Vanuatu.
- The Regional Programme for the Pacific OCTs 2021-2027 aims to contribute to the greening and blueing of food systems in the 3 territories. This programme is scheduled to start in 2025.
- The DAOG's intra-regional envelope for the 2021-2027 programming allocates an envelope of €1.15 per OCT mission. Intra-regional cooperation fosters closer collaboration, with neighbouring countries, outermost regions and regional organisations, through pilot actions. The New Caledonian authorities are currently preparing the concept note for this programme.
- All OCTs are also eligible for other EU funding programmes, such as TAIEX/twinning, InvestEU, LIFE, Horizon Europe, Erasmus+, COSME, Creative Europe, Digital Europe, EU4Health, etc. They can also benefit from the thematic strand and rapid reaction actions of the European Union's Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument (NDICI) and the Humanitarian Aid Instrument (ECHO).