Key facts
- Implementing Partner:
- Guarantee volume:
up to €458 million
- Global Gateway areas of partnership:
- Sectors:
Healthcare, digital
- Geographical focus:
Sub-Saharan Africa and the European Neighbourhood
- Type of support provided:
Financing, Technical assistance
- Types of investments:
- Investment period:
closed – no further investments can be covered
- Technical assistance:
up to €12 million
The European Health Platform aims to reduce financing constraints for accessing vaccines and health diagnostic services. It has two parts which facilitate access to COVID-19 vaccines and quality health diagnostic services for low-income populations, respectively. The guarantee is using up to €400 million to ensure equitable procurement and supply of vaccines to low and lower middle-income governments in Africa and the EU Neighbourhood, and up to €58 million to cover the risk of non-payment by governments in Sub-Saharan Africa to private sector laboratory and diagnostic companies, and to partially cover the risk of EIB loans to public and private sectors for improving diagnostics.
As a result, people on lower incomes will have access to better and more affordable diagnostic services, especially for primary care and infectious diseases (e.g. Tuberculosis, HIV, Malaria, Ebola and COVID-19), maternal and child healthcare and public health priorities as defined by partner governments. Doctors will be able to detect and track diseases early, respond faster and provide a targeted treatment to their patients. Governments will be better equipped to detect and respond to disease outbreaks.
How can businesses and investors get involved?
If you are a business representative or an investor with an interest in this guarantee program, we recommend getting in touch directly with the EIB.
Contact: infodeskeib [dot] org (infodesk[at]eib[dot]org)
About EIB Global
EIB Global is the arm of the European Investment Bank that works beyond the EU. Launched in January 2022, it supports climate action, economic growth and development. The great challenges of today are global poverty, energy shortages, pollution, lack of clean water and sanitation, flooding, drought, extreme weather events. EIB Global is fighting all these problems and increasing the impact of limited development money.