Global Gateway er den europæiske strategi, der skal fremme intelligente, rene og sikre links på det digitale område, i energisektoren og i transportsektoren og styrke sundheds-, uddannelses- og forskningssystemerne i hele verden.
Global Gateway er i fuld overensstemmelse med FN's 2030-dagsorden og dens mål for bæredygtig udvikling samt Parisaftalen.
Formålet med Global Gateway er at mobilisere op til 300 mia. euro i investeringer.
Ved hjælp af en Team Europe-tilgang vil Global Gateway samle EU, dets medlemslande og deres finansielle institutioner og udviklingsinstitutioner om at mobilisere den private sektor for at tilvejebringe investeringer, der virkelig sætter skub i omstillingen.
Læs mere om nogle af vores flagskibsprojekter, som er fremtrædende eksempler på Global Gateways fremskridt og resultater.
Global Gateway åbner betydelige forretningsmuligheder for virksomheder i den private sektor. Find ud af, hvilke muligheder der er til rådighed.
Der er ved at blive etableret en omfattende struktur, der vil sikre en fuldstændig inklusiv tilgang til forvaltningen af Global Gateway-strategien.
Se, hvordan Global Gateway-brandet anvendes i den grafiske profil, og download logoet og andre grafiske ressourcer
Global Gateway fokuserer på infrastrukturområder, der giver løsninger på de aktuelle geopolitiske problemer. Den er centreret omkring 5 politiske drivkræfter:
Through Global Gateway, the EU is strengthening connections between Europe and the world and helping partner countries address the digital divide and further integrate into the global digital ecosystem.
Global Gateway will support investments in climate mitigation and resilience, as well as clean energy - a necessity but also a major economic opportunity in low and middle-income countries.
Global Gateway is promoting worldwide infrastructure investments that create sustainable, smart, resilient, inclusive and safe networks in all modes of transport.
Global Gateway is strengthening healthcare capacities around the world, helping us to overcome diseases such as COVID-19, malaria, yellow fever, tuberculosis or HIV/AIDS.
Global Gateway is investing in quality education, paying attention to the inclusion of vulnerable groups, and is working with partner countries to strengthen cooperation on research and innovation.
Relaterede nyheder
Today, in the framework of Raw Materials Week, the Commission has officially endorsed the roadmap for its strategic partnership with the Democratic Republic of Congo on raw materials, reinforcing the EU’s commitment to secure, sustainable, and resilient value chains for critical raw materials.
Today, at the sixteenth session of the Conference of the Parties of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD COP16) in Riyadh, the European Commission announced the launch of the second phase of the Regreening Africa programme, supported by a new €15 million investment.
Today, the EU and Smart Africa Alliance have further enhanced their collaboration to bridge the digital divide in Africa by signing an Administrative Arrangement and a grant agreement under the Global Gateway strategy.