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STREAM - Sustainable Resilient Ecosystem and Agriculture Management in Mongolia

STREAM Mongolia

STREAM aims at increasing the capacity of Mongolian communities to implement innovative and sustainable long-term landscape management to address food system challenges and climate stresses.

To achieve its objective the STREAM project will work in two fields of action. FAO will focus its support on mainstreaming climate change adaptation into the agricultural landscape management to increase agricultural productivity, sustainability and value addition. GIZ will concentrate its support on improving capacity for sustainable landscape management of forest resources and conservation of biodiversity. Among others, the project will aim to: establish cross-sectoral, multi-stakeholder working groups to facilitate participatory, adaptive landscape planning and management in the existing land-use planning process; introduce agro-ecological and sustainable forest management approaches, and increase knowledge on these practices; establish multi-stakeholder platform/network connecting all stakeholders in the discussions and development of agro-ecology and sustainable forest management.

At local level the project will be implemented in three soums (sub-provinces) of Selenge aimag (province) and three soums of Khentii aimag. STREAM will be implemented over a three-year period from May 2021 until April 2024.

Using the Team Europe approach, the project is co-funded by the European Union under the framework of the EU-funded joint initiative of Global Climate Change Alliance Plus / Development Smart Innovation through Research in Agriculture (GCCA+/DeSIRA), and the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), and will be implemented by GIZ and FAO in cooperation with the Mongolian Ministry of Environment and Tourism. An international University consortium led by Mendel University in Brno, Czech Republic, will be covering research, educational and management aspects in forests in the selected provinces of Mongolia, and French expertise will be provided for Geographical Indications.

Implementing organisations

Implementing organisation: GIZ, FAO, in collaboration with the Mongolian Ministry of Environment and Tourism