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Strengthened capacity for better land tenure and natural resources governance in Angola


In post-war Angola, land tenure is weak. Land property is sometimes unclear and cases of residents occupying land without formal title deeds are frequent. For example, during the war, many poor people fled to cities and informally settled on lands for which they don’t own a legal title now.

In this context, a capacity building project was launched in 2014, to empower the local government and relevant actors, to facilitate the recognition of tenure rights of the people weakened by the system in place.

For a total budget of €3,529,412, of which the EU funded 85%, this 3-year project was implemented by World Vision Netherlands and Development Workshop Angola, with support of the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) Angola, in 10 municipalities of the Huambo, Bié, and Benguela provinces in Angola.


The project aimed at achieving better governance of land tenure and natural resources in Angola, by strengthening governmental capacities, to prevent conflicts and improve land occupation security.



The project partners helped local government to reform the land tenure policy, to create and implement a regularisation process for land claims, and to establish more secure land rights for small holders, untitled communities and peri-urban residents occupying land without official deeds.

The process applied abided by the framework established by the FAO’s Voluntary Guidelines for responsible Governance of Tenure (VGGT) and promoted the application of the Social Tenure Domain Model (STDM) .

The 2 World Vision projects running since 2014 have contributed to secure land tenure for more than 30,000 people


Development Workshop Angola – Land rights and settlements page

Funding instrument

DCI - Food Security

Implementing organisations

World Vision Netherlands, Development Workshop Angola