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International Partnerships



Gabon is an upper-middle income country with a strong economic growth in the past decade. It is sparsely populated (2.3 million inhabitants, out of which 1.5 million live in the capital Libreville) and forests cover 85% of its territory. 

The country pioneers in ecology, working actively to protect its rainforest and being a net carbon absorber. Nevertheless, despite its rich natural resources and the relatively high GDP, Gabon still suffers from high infant mortality, lack of basic sanitation services and high HIV prevalence.

Our partnership

EU support to Gabon is focused on fulfilling the green transition, developing sustainable growth and green jobs and strengthening democracy and human rights, in line with the country’s plan ‘Emerging Gabon 2025’ and the Global Gateway strategy

Team Europe in Gabon brings together the EU and France to implement actions in the development of a green economy through policy, regulatory, financial, and education reforms, biodiversity conservation in protected areas and certified forest concessions, climate change mitigation and adaptation, and ocean and mangrove protection

The EU has allocated  €11 million in grant funding towards the partnership in 2021-27. 

EU-Gabon partnership programming documents can be found in the 'Related documents' section below.

Our key initiatives

Agriculture and forestry

Under the EU-Gabon Forest Partnership, combining actions for the protection of biodiversity with benefits for the local populations, the EU partners with Gabon on:

  • Strengthening natural resource management and governance, especially by supporting the application of the Law on Fauna and Flora.
  • Contributing to the fight against wildfire and forest crime.
  • Fostering job creation and sustainable livelihoods to improve security and preserve ecosystems.
  • Improving value chains for a green transition (e.g. cocoa, forest and non-wood forest products value chains).

Transgabonais railway rehabilitation benefitting from €30 million to improve connectivity between primary production areas and Libreville’s economic zones and sawmills, connecting both sides of Gabon for transport of raw materials (e.g. manganese and timber products) and passengers.

Fisheries and maritime security

Strengthening regional cooperation on maritime security and the prevention of maritime crimes, including piracy, smuggling, and IUU (illegal, unreported and unregulated) fishing. The EU partners with Gabon through the following initiatives:

  • Sustainable Fisheries Partnership Agreement (SFPA) with Gabon – It has been signed in 2021 and is tacitly renewable, with an initial duration of 5 years, until 2026.
  • Gulf of Guinea Interregional Network (GOGIN II): it also supports capacity building in countries surrounding the Gulf of Guinea to improve surveillance and enforcement.
  • Enhancing Maritime Security in Africa (“Safe Seas for Africa”): just as GOGIN II, this programme aims to improve regional cooperation among African nations in terms of maritime security and enhances the capacity of national agencies.
  • Océan Durable et Economie Bleue en Afrique centrale (ODEBAC): ODEBAC is designed to foster the sustainable use of ocean resources, stimulate economic activities tied to marine industries, and ensure that ocean governance in Gabon and its neighbours adheres to international standards. It covers 6 countries: Cameroon, Gabon, Guinea, Republic of Congo and São Tomé and Principe.
Support to the political transition

To accompany the political transition, the EU support Gabon in strengthening Gabonese institutions (transition authorities and political parties) to ensure transparency in the electoral process, and supporting civil society and media in the democratic process.

Governance and civil society

The EU collaborates with Gabon to strengthen governance structures and support civil society initiatives that promote inclusion, security, and protection of vulnerable groups. Efforts include:

  • Protecting women and children from violence and promoting human rights.
  • Addressing health issues, especially in response to the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Providing education and training opportunities for vulnerable populations, especially youth,
  • Combatting illicit financial flows, financial crimes and other types of organised crime.

The partnership between the EU and Gabon in the field of research focuses on key areas such as scientific and medical advancements, as well as environmental sustainability

Gabon participates in Horizon 2020, the EU's research and innovation programme, and benefits from initiatives connected to forest management and ecology. The EU also supports African research collaboration through the African Research Initiative (ARISE), which strengthens research capabilities across the continent, including in Gabon.


The EU and Gabon collaborate under the Africa-Europe Digital Regulators Partnership, a key initiative aimed at enhancing the continent's digital infrastructure.

The EU also supports the deployment of digital finance solutions to enhance financial inclusion and modernise financial systems across the region (see initiatives on Trade below).


Boosting trade in services and goods, alongside supporting infrastructure development and enhancing the business environment. The EU partners with Gabon on:

  • Providing capacity building to African Central Banks to enhance financial governance and regional stability.
  • Enhancing trade competitiveness, with a focus on market access.
  • Facilitating trade and transport along the LIBREVILLE/KRIBI/DOUALA-N’DJAMENA strategic corridors to improve connectivity and efficiency in the region.
  • Strengthening the governance of both national and regional infrastructure in Central Africa, helping ensure efficient, sustainable, and transparent management. 
  • Fostering regional integration and investment capacity, and supporting regional organisations.
Education and culture

The EU and Gabon are working together under the Africa-Europe Cultural Cooperation framework to promote intercultural dialogue and cultural diversity, including museum partnerships. The EU also supports the implementation of the African Continental Qualifications framework and partners with the country on:

  • Empowering young people in Gabon, fostering leadership, entrepreneurship, and cross-cultural exchange (Africa-EU Youth Lab and Africa-EU Youth Academy)
  • Providing training opportunities for teachers across the region (Regional Teacher Initiative).
  • Promoting intra-Africa mobility by helping students and educators gain access to broader educational opportunities (including Erasmus+ and CapacIT 4 Africa).