As from June 2019, the Portal proposes a new solution: the Licensing Assistant LA, a unique tool allowing everyone to compare and select open licences based on their content.
The LA is linked to SPDX (for Software Package Data Exchange), an initiative of the LINUX foundation that attempts to standardize the way in which organizations refer to software licenses: each licence is identified by a full name, such as "European Union Public Licence 1.2" and a shorter identifier, here "EUPL-1.2".
Licences can be retrieved by entering all or part of their SPDX identifier: for example “UPL” will retrieve both the UPL-1.0 (Universal Permissive License) and the EUPL.
In addition, and that is the true LA novelty, licences can be retrieved based on a content analysis taxonomy (where each category is documented).
Compared with other tools, considering just permissions, obligations and prohibitions if any, the LA adds three important categories: the level of compatibility or interoperability, the legal aspects, and the support that could be expected.
Retrieved licences are briefly commented and the link with their SPDX full text is provided.
Based on users’ comments and experience, categories may evolve and be adapted.