Run --help to show help information, but found 3 parameters useless :
--batch-size and --batch-size --messages
That is producer of parameters.
bin]# ./ --help
Missing required argument "[topic]"
Option Description
------ -----------
--batch-size <Integer: size> Number of messages to write in a
single batch. (default: 200)
--compression-codec <Integer: If set, messages are sent compressed
supported codec: NoCompressionCodec (default: 0)
as 0, GZIPCompressionCodec as 1,
SnappyCompressionCodec as 2,
LZ4CompressionCodec as 3>
--date-format <date format> The date format to use for formatting
the time field. See java.text.
SimpleDateFormat for options.
(default: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss:SSS)
--fetch-size <Integer: size> The amount of data to fetch in a
single request. (default: 1048576)
--messages <Long: count> The number of messages to send or
consume (default:
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