- [MESOS-1187] - precision errors with allocation calculations
- [MESOS-3397] - sorter.cpp: Check failed: total.resources.contains(slaveId)
- [MESOS-3719] - Core dump on /teardown
- [MESOS-4071] - Master crash during framework teardown (Check failed: total.resources.contains(slaveId))
- [MESOS-4693] - Variable shadowing in HookManager::slavePreLaunchDockerHook
- [MESOS-4711] - Race condition in libevent poll implementation causes crash
- [MESOS-4754] - The "executors" field is exposed under a backwards incompatible schema.
- [MESOS-4161] - SlaveTest.CommandExecutorWithOverride is slow
- [MESOS-4687] - Implement reliable floating point for scalar resources
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